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    Anyone have a good source for incontinence products? Both the pullups and the adjustable briefs (the ones with tabs). I have been buying them locally, but am having trouble getting the right size in the kind I need (Walmart's Assurance--store brand--adjustable briefs. For some reason, they haven't had size S/M for a long time and I've been buying Depends instead.) I'm thinking that buying in bulk online might be more practical.
    I buy the Depends for Men and Tranquility Overnight from National Incontinence. They still aren't cheap. Lately I have found the Depends at Costco. They are a lot less there. I don't know if you belong to any of the warehouse clubs like Costco, BJ's or Sam's club. If you do , I'd thy there
    I belong to BJ's, but the last time I checked they didn't have adjustable briefs (only pullups). I'll check National Incontinence (what a name). Thanks.
    • CommentAuthorandy*
    • CommentTimeSep 14th 2013
    Marilyn, I have purchased products from Parentgiving, Vitality Medical and Sometimes you have to shop around to find the best price for what you need.
    I was ordering them in cartons from Amazon, but lately it seemed clear that I was supplying more than just Jeff. They were burning through them at a silly rate. It has become more cost-effective for me to just subscribe to the ALF-supplied program.