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    • CommentAuthorFiona68
    • CommentTimeSep 28th 2013
    Amber, I bought a Subaru Outback last year. I absolutely love it. It was a choice between that and a Honda CRV. I've always been a Honda girl, but my daughter had an Outback and lives in the mountains so I knew it would have great control on ice. My son (also lives in the mountains) now has a CRV and loves it. Those two would be my recommendations.
    • CommentAuthorbqd*
    • CommentTimeSep 28th 2013
    Amber, we needed a new vehicle last year - had a small car (too difficult for dH to get in and out of) and a pick up truck - too expensive to run, and too difficult for DH to get in and out of. So we bought a RAV 4. Perfect size, fuel efficient, lots of storage room. Easy for DH to get in and out of and fun for me to drive. I have a friend with ALS, and since she discovered my RAV4 so easy to get in and out of, even with her mobility issues, and discovered that there is enough room in the back to put a wheelchair, her hubby bought one as well. We have not had any problems with it at all, and I am glad we went this route!

    • CommentAuthorAmber
    • CommentTimeSep 28th 2013
    Bonnie and Fiona - the 3 vehicle are the same suv's I am looking at. But at the same time I'm also thinking of going the opposite way and get a small efficient car...Hyundai accent is one of the ones I'm inquiring about. I already have a 3/4 ton 4X4 so do I need a mid size vehicle and also if hubby gets placed on the coast fuel efficiency will be a big factor $1.38 p/Liter here. Lots to think about...I really appreciate your input.
    My brother in New Hampshire where it snows bought a RAV4 and they like it. They live miles out in the country on dirt roads and it gets them where they need to go..

    DD who lives with us just bought a used Subaru Outback (2012) but hasn't had a chance to test it in bad weather yet. She loves it. Sure beats her 1999 Ford Escort with 130,000 miles on it.
    Hello sweet friends. I just returned from Vancouver for my Dad's service and to spend some time with my Mom and some siblings. The first few days were hell, with one brother over at my Mom's drunk, yelling so loud I had to leave. Never considering my poor Mom. Never once asked about Dado. Of the 8 remaining siblings, 3 have disbanded the family due to their own stupidity. One really really hurt me. But the last four days I spent with Mom and it was a very precious time, I am so blessed to have such a wonderful "little Mommy" as I call her.

    Just now going to get ready to go see my sweetie, after missing him for 8 days. I will let you know how he is. Missed you guys.
    Glad you made it home safely=sorry for the behavior of family--but happy you had "Mommy "time...
    Happy to hear you had the time with your mommy, nothing else is important. Glad you are safe at home.
    • CommentAuthorbqd*
    • CommentTimeSep 28th 2013
    Coco, glad you are home safe. Family can be such $%#I(@#, but I am glad you had some precious time with your Mom. I hope Dado was okay while you were gone, I know how you must have missed him.
    • CommentTimeSep 28th 2013
    Coco, I was so delighted to see your name! Glad you are home safely and spending time with your beloved Dado. I am glad you were able to spend some precious time with your "little Mommy" ((hugs))
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeSep 30th 2013
    Good bye September!
    ToodleLoo were a rough month...Just getting into the myriad of paperwork following the death of my DH..So much complicated lingo...and confusion with Social Security. Got a letter today telling me of the benefits to begin shortly. I have been using medicare and being billed for it..but the letter today makes it look like they are going to claim funds from using his SSN for my SS again..have to call the SS office again...then there is the VA which said they have my claim but it will be months before benefits come in...and now there is the lawyer to add to the mix with all the rest of it....

    And while the weather has been gorgeous it has been windy and the allergies have been out of sight...but this too shall pass. It is now about 20 miutes to October.
    Mimi, I seem to recall it took about 3 months for my revised SS to begin coming in... and it was retroactive. With government shut down (rediculous!) it may even take a little longer depending on where your application was in the process. It's the government and you're just a number...regardless of circumstances. I can relate. In my case it took almost six months for everything to get back on stream ..(SS, Pension, Estate, etc.)

    Hang in there. It WILL get better.