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    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeAug 26th 2013

    My DH was attending Daycare and was able to walk as much as he wanted. The Daycare moved to a new building but the area to walk is very small and causes hip aches because it is a round area that us not very big. Small figure eight is all he can do now and changing direction often.
    Instead of three days he is now only going one day. He has a problem getting along with one of the caregivers there.
    Now he is complaining of stiffness in the knees and shoulders. I have started taking him to Walmart to walk on their nice floors and that takes away the stress.
    My question is " is this stiffness part of the Dementia?" His arms and legs and shoulders are loosing muscle mass now and his arms are so small, like a child. Just skin and bone.


    I don't know about the others, but my DH is stiff. Has been for sometime. Even in his sleep his arms are pulled up to his chest. Even if I try to pull them down while sleeping they go back up. Hands in a fist also. Moves very stiffly also. I often think of him as skinny bones. He was once a very large man. 300+ lbs. So sad to see him now. Just got him new under ware in a size med. He was always xl or xxl. He still eats, some days better than others.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeAug 26th 2013 edited
    loss of muscle mass and movement is to be expected with the disease. the less they move the more stiff and painful the bones and joints become. as time progresses they tend to curl into fetal positions, so I imagine the start is ongoing and takes along time. and the bones and joints tend to also become atrophied and are painful as they tend to contract, especially hands and feet. this usually is part of end stages and appears once they become bedridden -but I guess there are no strict rules as to when it can start.. having them stretch and or move the joints helps to keep them active as long as possible. we use advil or ibprophen to help relieve the stiffness if needed. but each needs to clear meds with drs.
    • CommentTimeAug 26th 2013
    I remember this stiffness developing in late stage 6. It got so that it was impossible to seat him in a car. It seemed as if he'd forgotten how to bend, or was too stiff to do so.
    • CommentAuthoryhouniey
    • CommentTimeAug 26th 2013
    My DH is in stage 7,at the NH they have trouble seating him in his wheelchair or on the commode. He screams when they try to sit him down.It takes 3 aides to get him down and he fights them all the way.Also keeps his fists clenched most of the time.
    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeAug 26th 2013
    Thanks for the info. I guess when he moved to the new location and was u able to walk as much this started the stiffness. I will have to get him moving and maybe some physio.

    Hugs Jazzy
    My Paul was that way when he was in the hospital and came home-we found it to be better after they stopped so of the meds he was on for agitation. He moves better now but just SLOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    My dh sits with his hands and arms down by his side, hands on the seat cushion. His hands and arms go numb, he has a lot of trouble with the numbness. When reading the newspaper his hands lock up, and has trouble with trigger fingers. Would this be part of the alz or his vas d? And is this a type of stiffness?
    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeAug 28th 2013
    My hubby has vascular, bv fronto and AD. So I have no idea if it is caused by one or the other. Maybe it's none of them. I just don't know. He says it is just old age, but he blames old age on all his symptoms. He has no in site.
    I have made a Dr.'s appointment for next week when he gets back from respite.
    I also need an expiation of why he is wasting away in his arms and legs.

    Good luck with your appointments, hopefully they can help him on both his eyes and the loss in his arms and legs.
    My dh is complaining about his site, but he is doing well otherwise. I need to make him an eye appt., also one for myself. Take carafe.