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    • CommentAuthorbriegull*
    • CommentTimeAug 23rd 2013
    I have a casual friend whose little boy is 4 and a half. He is sweet and smart and has refused to stop wearing his diapers. She and I were working admissions at an event and she was telling me about their recent visit to old friends in Australia (from New England). I said, that is a long trip. All I could think of when I heard you were going was billy and his Depends!

    She laughed and said yes, he is really devoted to them. I suggested that he could be told that he couldn't wear them to kindergarten. She said, in this state, a school cannot discriminate against a kid who wears diapers! I said, does Billy know that? No. I said then you might try a little fiblet...

    A couple of days later she sent me an email about another matter. And then said, you were right! Fiblets WORK!!

    I said so do you think someone might like some special briefs to wear? Oh, yes! So now Billy is running around in his superhero briefs from Walmart!

    If I hadn't learned about Fiblets here, billy would still be running around in diapers! As we say, you learn a lot at Joan's.

    And if you think about it, life is full of fillets. Santa, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy, Do I look fat, like my new dress.......... LOL

    So glad it worked.