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    Okay folks placed my husband in ALF after 8 months on a wait list on Monday. Today they called and sent him to the ER due to chest pains, vomiting, incontinence. They call me every day and say he wants you to come. I know they did the right thing in sending him to the hospital but I am wondering if I should rush there every time they call. Seems like he needs redirection or something. Of course he wants me. But how will he ever adjust if I am running in there putting out fires. Spent the morning in the ER and this evening with him. They r keeping him for 23 hour observation. I know adjustment takes time. I am wondering how long. I realize there is No hard and fast rule as everyone is different.
    • CommentAuthorlulliebird
    • CommentTimeAug 21st 2013 edited

    I haven't place my husband yet, so I am not experienced as others, but I think I wouldn't be at his beckon call 24/7 as he needs time to adjust. ER is different and I would go immediately. Sounds like you are adjusting well and I wish you and your beloved the best.

    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeAug 21st 2013 edited

    You answered your own question - "there is no hard and fast rule as everyone is different."

    As for the ER, I agree with Lullie - I would definitely go so you can talk to the doctors and find out what his condition is. Besides, being placed is traumatic enough for them. Imagine how frightened and confused he must be in the ER with strangers poking and prodding him. Having you there may ease his fear and anxiety.

    As for the ALF, is he in a memory care unit? Wherever he is, they are REQUIRED to have regular care management meetings. At your first one, you should have a list of questions. Ask about how they calm, distract, and redirect the Alzheimer patients to avoid problems.

    Yes he is in a memory unit. I will find out when the care management meeting is. The doctor is going to try a low dose of Lexipro before bed to see if that helps. I am applying for the PACE program with Medicaid. Once he gets accepted an entire medical team will come together on a regular basis to monitor things. Since I just placed him I am still getting used to the people on the unit. So far I have met 3 different nurses. I am trusting that each day will get a little better.
    • CommentAuthorAmber
    • CommentTimeAug 22nd 2013
    CO2 - I was wondering how you were doing with his placement. Haven't placed hubby yet....he is being presented today before a panel....but I have done respite. What I did, and you may have too, is I typed up a list of things about him and his likes and dislikes. What he was able to still do and if/when he become agitated what they should do to redirect him and what meds I used as a PRN, what topic to talk to him about to get his mind off of whatever is bothering him....ect....

    I only got one call and it was from him on when are you coming to get me. Other than that I was calling to check up on him. I think I was lucky.

    How are you doing?