Would any of you who have lost your spouse object putting the date next to the star?
The reason I ask is that when reading post, even with me who has been here too long, I can get confused. Newbies probably more so. Example: I was reading a thread that had a post from Mimi on August 8th, just before her husband died. At first I was getting confused cause I knew her husband had passed, then I looked at the date and knew it was just before.
it would look something like this: Jane Doe *8/2/2012
Good, simple idea for this problem. I have gone back to the profiles to try to figure this out while reading - some have added it to their profile, others not. This way there is no need to even stop reading and go to the profile. Thanks, Charlotte.
I think this is a very good idea, Charlotte. I have done what marche posted above.
Also, as divvi said, when I added my * I expected that it would apply to posts I made thereafter. It surprised me the first time I saw a post I had written before my husband's death with the * included.
As a ps, I wonder how those in Canada and other places order the date?
Great idea....I can't get a "star" behind my name. I have changed computers and my joining date is wrong in my profile also. Also, I put the date in but it is not showing .....duh....help.
I don't know if it is the same in all browsers. For me, I clicked on my name, then on the left, is "account options", under that is "personal information". Clicked on that and got a menu where I could edit, add, or delete (delete by backspacing). At the bottom of the menu is "save" (the left choice), and I clicked that. I did this on my desktop.
Thanks Abby...I tried all of those things, but nothing worked. I miss all my old friends on here too, but haven't posted much lately. I had a terrible accident and will explain later. I want to tell about my accident in a new post so that hopefully the newer people will read it because it has to do with thinking you are OK...but, being a caregiver can take more out of you then most realize...and then the "after" when one thinks they are through the difficult part and can just jump in and do things like they use to do might just end in big trouble like I have had.
I have tried everything to get the star behind my name and the date of dh's death. No luck. I am using my laptop and it is kind of a strange duck to me in many ways. Any help that helps me would be appreciated.
Don't forget you have to sign in that way now. I went back and changed the slashes to dashes and it wouldn't let me until I realized I'd changed the sign on DUH!!!
abby*o6/12 Canadians have historically ordered the date dd/mm/yyyy although there has been some movement to yyyy/mm/dd, but generally we're pretty flexible when it comes to those kind of things. :) As a relative newbie, I like this idea of putting the date behind - helps with the perspective in reading the posts.
Not in Minnesota. I do have relatives in Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, and California. I trace my ancestry first to the United States dating back into the 1880's because as of this date all the closest bloodlines are in North America. I was born in Frankfurt where my mother was a mixture of Swedish (Elm), English (Butler), and German (Knapstein). My father's side is Prussian going way back and it was his aunts' parents that came to Michigan somewhere in the 1880's.
Basically I'm a mongrel without relatives in Minnesota.
This is a good idea. I forgot that I had posted to Mimi after her husband passed and asked why she was talking about placing her husband when she had a star. I frequently have trouble with hoof in mouth disease. Going to attempt the change now.
Charlotte, in order to keep from getting too confused in reading older posts from members who now have stars, I was constantly going to their profile page to see whether there was a clue there as to when they lost their LO. I can understand why some may not wish to put the date behind their name, and I respect that. But for us newbies, it does make it less confusing, particularly when reading older posts. It also puts some of the comments with respect to being a widow/widower in perspective.