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    • CommentAuthorAmber
    • CommentTimeAug 21st 2013
    Now I've never had a problem with hubby having a cocktail or beer in the evening (at his age and what is going on give him this little indulgence) but yesterday the little bugger went to the store and bought a 26 oz bottle of rum. Without me being wiser drank a lot of it....put it in a travel mug so I couldn't tell and I was outside puttering so not watching what was going on. Well the stumbling and falling OMG!!! thank god he didn't become violent...mind you one good shove and that would of been handled. Found bottle and poured out the rest. I'm going to have to really watch what he is up to.
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeAug 21st 2013
    Amber, I am always amazed how sneaky and clever they can be hiding things from'd think they wouldn't have the mental capacity to do that (no executive function) but when they want to they're masters! Hubby would always have or 2 beers with dinner but was never a heavy drinker. Yet in the first year he was dxd, he almost drank a whole CASE of beer in one afternoon without anyone knowing it while we were on vacation at our summer home. Every time we saw him, he had an open bottle of beer but the amount in the bottle never seemed to change, so we thought he was just sipping it slowly. Well when my sister went to get a bottle for herself, she called me aside and asked me if I had drunk any of the beer. I told her "no" and she showed me the almost empty case of beer (supposed to last the week or more). We were both flabbergasted! Sneaky little bastard! Needless to say, no more beer at the house. He slept very well that night!
    • CommentAuthorlulliebird
    • CommentTimeAug 21st 2013 edited

    How scary is that with meds? Mine loves beer, but because he is having balancing it's no longer an option. I have found some good non-alcohol beers and he's as happy as a clam with them.

    It is amazing how creative and sneaky they are! I think this is the last part of the brain that gets affected. Crafty, cunning and clever when they want to manipulate us, but we have the doctor approved therapeutic fiblets! lol
    Amber, as this disease progresses, your little bugger won't even be able to find the store. When mine went, he couldn't find a store, recognize a beer, screw off the cap, or hold it to his mouth. Now that he's gone, I'd give the world for him to be here and try to drink an entire bottle of rum...and if he gave me any trouble, I'd kick his little Irish ass and love him some more. Treasure any moments you have and hold those memories in your heart for one day you will need them.
    • CommentAuthorAmber
    • CommentTimeAug 22nd 2013
    Linda "kick his little Irish ass" LMAO!!! So true!

    LFL - Amazing with what you think they can't do and then they do it!

    Lullie - yes the med issue did concern me and I was awake most of the night to make sure he made it to the bathroom alright and that he didn't stop breathing. Thank god for Fiblets!