I have been having a lot of fibromyalgia pain while my dh has been going thru having the Dr. Tell him he can't drive thru having his lic. revoked, and the ranting and raging at me. Bonnie
I do not have fibromyalgia, but I do know the stress causes my back pain to be worse. Stress affects all aspects of the body so I have no doubt it can cause the fibromyalgia to be worse.
I have fibromyalgia and I have a terrible time sleeping(more so than usual) because of the stress. What happens to me is while I am going through the day I don't notice it that much because I am busy but when I lay down!! Oh boy!
Sorry about your fibro. which I don't have however, I have insomnia causing me overwhelming fatigue...and of course, these hot flashes have now returned. UGH
Yes, I think stress makes fibromyalgia worse. Also, stress and a lot of extra work make arthritis worse. I have to laugh—just a little--when I read literature on both fibromyalgia and arthritis, because they always talk about what you need to tell your caregiver, so they can help care for you when you have a flare. Boy, I wish I did have a caregiver, but the days of extra help during the bad times, well that's pretty much over forever. I think sometimes that I am doing irreparable harm to joints already damaged by arthritis, but what choice do I have?
Don't have fibromyalgia but the last physical by GP showed that my BP is up, tension headaches (never had that before),depression symptoms, other blood work numbers are elevated and weight gain. All due to stress.
I have had fibromyalgia for years and the stress from an AD spouse makes it worse. My worse years were before DH's dx when I thought the fibromyalgia pain was the source of stress instead of it being the stress from caring for an AD spouse. Hope you can find some relief soon.
I don't think I have Fib---but I am tired all the time,do not sleep well,am either hot or cold all the time,temper had to keep in control---I could go on and on but I think we all know what IT is..Stress and no fix for it but learn to live with it.Well I guess I am a slow learner,and I am tired of being TIRED all the time.......
Today my FB is much better. My dh has calmed down, he at this time realizes what revoked lic means, and I am trying to learn to let him tell me how to drive. My arthritis isn't giving me trouble as yet. I take 300mg gapapentin at night so I am sleeping good for 6 or 7 hours, but I wake up tired and could use a nap about 2 or3 hours later. Really a nap every couple of hours would be nice, I'm sure you would all agree to that. Thanks for the feed back.