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    • CommentAuthoracvann
    • CommentTimeAug 13th 2013
    In some of my postings during the past 4 years, I've referred to articles I've written about my experiences as a spouse caregiver for my wife, Clare, who was diagnosed in 2009 with early onset Alzheimer's. Some articles are literally based on discussions from these message boards and discussions in my weekly caregiver support group. I also refer to this website in several articles. Joan's frequent admonitions for us to become advocates for chance in whatever ways we feel most comfortable encouraged me to continue writing for publication. Recently, a few journal editors and AD organizations suggested to me that I start my own website and post all of my articles there so they can refer their Facebook followers to my articles. So ... this past weekend I set up a website. It's not a typical blog in that there are no discussion boards whatsoever. It's simply a place where visitors can come to read my articles, along with a "Welcome" page to explain why I began this website. Although most of my articles are intended to get doctors and health care providers to make changes in the ways they diagnose and treat those with Alzheimer's and their caregivers, there are some articles written just for caregivers that may be helpful to those who are new to this site. Anyway, if interested you can go to and check it out!
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeAug 13th 2013
    Thanks acvann...I am interested in reading your articles. Always something to learn while on this journey.
    Thanks for posting this, acvann. Checking it out.

    I spent an hour and a half at your site. You certainly have a talent for
    picking out interesting facts that most of us would never think about and
    then you research them drawing meaningful conclusions. And then you
    explain the significance very well in terms that are easy to understand.

    It's hard for me to imagine how you can do all this while being a full time
    caregiver for Dear Clare. I think you are doing a great service for Alzheimer's
    Awareness and want to thank you and wish you the best...........George
    Thanks, acvann. I read a few of the articles and bookmarked the site to go back and read a few at a time.

    Thank you for sharing your site with us. I read some of your articles already today. You are doing a great service to many by educating yourself and writing of your experiences.
    Being a retired teacher myself, I admire your use of your talents to advocate for your wife and others.

    When I first joined in December, I remember noting that our spouses were at similar stages. So it is especially helpful for me to read of your experiences. I will continue to read and follow our website.
    • CommentAuthorbqd*
    • CommentTimeAug 13th 2013
    Acvann, I have bookmarked your site. The first article I read was about your struggles to get your DW properly diagnosed, because she did so well on the memory test. It was like reading my own story with my DH.
    I am sure that as I read through your writings I will have a lot more I can relate to. Thanks for doing this.
    Allen, Thank you for this wonderful site. I'm seven years into this journey. Wish I had had the privilege of a site like this early on. I will continue to follow your blogs. May God be with us all as we continue on this daily struggle.
    • CommentAuthoracvann
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2013
    Thank you all for those kind words.

    George ... when Clare is at day care, after finishing what I must do (food shopping, washer/dryer loads, etc.) I usually have some time for writing. But I do most of my writing in the early mornings. Before retirement, I always got along on only 4 -6 hours sleep a night, whereas Clare always needed a lot more. NOW, on days when not going to day care, Clare will sleep anywhere from 12-15 hours ... leaving me LOTS of time to write in the mornings!

    Lorrie ... Thank you! I also remember some of our early exchanges when you joined this site. Sadly, Clare is now quickly moving through stage 6 now.

    bqd ... In my first months of my spouse caregiver support group I heard similar stories. Then when I discovered Joan's amazing site, I again discovered how many others could tell a similar story. That's why most of my articles are in peer reviewed medical journals, as I'm trying to get doctors and health care workers to change current practices of diagnosing and treating AD, and their caregivers. So far, about half a dozen neurologists and geriatric psychiatrists, and 2 GP/internists receive copes of all of my articles. Two have already stopped administering the MMSE. So, I keep trying to hit that central theme of trying to get doctors to listen more to caregivers!

    Marilynn ... yep, I'm also 7 years in, but only 4 since dx.
    • CommentAuthorlulliebird
    • CommentTimeAug 14th 2013 edited

    I have read your blog and it's a great reference for those traveling the dementia journey. You have made it very user friendly....and it's a must read for those in preparation for what to expect in this journey.

    I will be sure to share this blog with those in my caregiver's support group along with interested family members.

    You've done a great service and thanks!

    • CommentAuthoracvann
    • CommentTimeAug 15th 2013
    Thank you, lulliebird!