Marty, I am glad you had a good day. I am very impressed with you going to buy bras. My DH could not even stay in that department when we web shopping. I could not do with out AC. Luckily when ours went out it was the upstairs unit so we slept downstairs for 2 days.
My DH is always antsy an pacing. There is no telling where I will fin things. He is always rummaging through cabinets and closets. He never sits now. He went to his garage, which is detached from the house, late the other night. He spends most of his days in there sorting screws and nails. He says cleaning. He called me on his cell phone asking where I was. He did this one more time. I had been home all day. The thing was he could not get from the garage back to the house. It is only 10 steps. He was disoriented. He said the doors were locked. They were wide open. The garage door to house and the side door. I wish he could sit for 10 minuets. I am getting some medicine for this next doctor visit. It is next month. I am anxious to see if he can sit through college football games today. It had always been a family thing around here. Alabama for him and UGA for me and our girls.
Marty, I gave up bras for my wife about the same time I switched from panty hose to knee highs. Instead of bras I put her in camisoles (I think that's what they're called). They are much easier to handle and she seems comfortable in them.