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    My husband has worn glasses for years and now all of sudden says one pair that he likes to wear is missing. I know without a doubt he is imagining this because there are no glasses missing from his dresser and the description of the "missing" ones isn't even close to any glasses he has ever owned.

    Here's my question... how do you deal with your Alz patient when they imagine something like this and keep on looking and asking everyone about it for days? I have tried distracting him with other activities, etc but he keeps going back to "where are my glasses... where did you put them, etc."

    Thanks for your comments.
    • CommentAuthorlulliebird
    • CommentTimeJul 18th 2013

    I have had a similar problem...not glasses but other items which he imagined he had. I helped him search for his lost item (whatever it was) and went along with the search. After helping him look...he relaxed more and lost some focus...until the next item goes missing. Best wishes, Lullie
    • CommentAuthorAnn*
    • CommentTimeJul 18th 2013
    Every single day I am helping him look for Glasses,keys,etc.Seems to be par for the course.Wish that was the only problem though.One day we heard on TV. that the average person loses 3 sets of keys in a lifetime.I had to laugh when DH said I lose 3 sets in a week.I can only agree,it's true.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeJul 18th 2013 edited
    buy him a pair at cvs walgreens or such with whatever magnification you think may work. my DH used contacts for 40yrs. I got him reg rx lense glasses and he would not wear them. gave him a pair of the otc magnification type to read and he wore them all the time. and ps I use them as well I think I see better than with my script ones! :)
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeJul 19th 2013
    Good suggestion divvi, but in our case he loses (or breaks) the drug store kind almost daily. I've spent a fortune on them but it's still cheaper than the prescription ones (which he lost the 1st day he wore them).

    GCG, my husband "hid" my car keys and it took me 1 year to find them...on top of the fridge in a basket. Have no idea why there....
    • CommentAuthordeb42657
    • CommentTimeJul 21st 2013
    At least your imagined glasses are inanimate. My DH told me he saw a tall man with a white beard in a funny looking car coming towards him and he asked for me. When my DH said that is his wife the man walked away and he has never seen him again. I asked around the neighborhood if anyone knew someone like that and no one does. I guess now he is going to start saying I am having an affair or something! Oh boy!!!!!!