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    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeNov 14th 2013 edited
    Vickie, so difficult and the heart does break. but it can also mend in time as you are reminded it was the right decision. we all have followed your will and strength to keep your Stu with you but the time came when its no longer feasible for him to be at home in your loving care. he will get the good care needed now to see him thru and now you will advocate for his wellbeing. holding your hand and a pat on the back for all the long years and good work you have given. now starts a new type of journey and you will be just as good at it I am sure.
    divvi-I think you said it well-for all of us.
    Thank you, all. He is not eating at all, doesn't open his eyes; talking to the hospice nurse at noon today - all meds being taken away. They don't think he can last the month, and I don't either.
    Vickie- So sorry for what you're going through.
    Ah Vickie, I am so sorry. You have fought for so long.
    Sorry Vickie for all you are going through. I follow your journey and admire your caregiving. Oh, this must be sooo
    Heart wrenching. Not there yet and can't imagine. Sending caring thoughts
    Thinking about you during this difficult time, Vickie. We're all here for you.
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeNov 18th 2013
    Vickie, thinking of you and your husband. Sending prayers.