It is so peaceful,just the dog and me.Sonny is very happy in the NH. And I am more than happy living alone. Maybe that doesn't sound like I care, but after over 10 yrs, as a 24/7 cargiver I feel I deserve a life. If I can't sleep. I can get up and use the computer,dog doesn't complain,she doesn't mind if I talk on the phone,my life is my own now.I actually can go up and dpwn every aisle in the supermarket instead of hurrying to get home($ hr. for a sitter makes you hurry).I no longer have to take pain meds fo my fibromyolgia since I don't have all the stress. If you place your LO don't worry, they WILL adjust.
yhouniey, so good to hear you are doing so well! Give the rest of us hope. I've been at it 10 plus years, 24/7. It takes its toll on us. Keep up the good work with getting your life back!
that's excellent news to hear you are so at peace. yes the journey takes a lot of toll on all of us and them. best wishes! enjoy roaming those grocery isles in quiet.:)
yhouniey--Great ! it is important to have posts like this, it may help some others who suffer from guilt after they place their LO's. My experience was like yours, and my reflux disappeared and I was able to stop the med I was taking for it. Shows what constant stress causes.
While home, husband could not stand the sound of the phone and no matter what I tried in terms of volume, tones, musical rings, etc.- he would rage. So the phones went to flash only. He also thought I talked too much so I pretty much stopped talking if he was where he would hear me.
The first day he was away from here (although it was hospitalization), I knew from previous hospitalizations that the phone calls would be non-stop, and also had it in my mind set that I would have to speak very, very quietly. It was probably only a matter of seconds, if that, but it struck me that I could set the phones to ring, and I could speak as I chose.
I am happy that you have found peace. For me, I think I had forgotten what some of it was like.