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    • CommentAuthorElaineH
    • CommentTimeJul 26th 2013
    Well the grand kids had fun singing Happy Birthday to PopPop. We pretty much had one of the main rooms to ourselves. The residents that were there were smiling at the kids. Sadly Tom pretty much had no idea what was going on. He looked at the grand kids but we could tell he did not recognize them. I did get some pictures which I am thankful for.

    When I got back to the Home to go to the “Prom” the aids had him dressed in his sports coat & dress pants. I wheeled him down to the dining room, but for some reason he was leaning to the left in the wheel chair. We got some blankets to prop him up & that helped a bit, but it was difficult feeding him his dinner. Our son came to take some pictures, but Tom fell asleep as he got there, but we took pictures anyway. He woke up about 5 minutes after our son left & was a bit agitated, but I think it was because he was tired. We didn't stay to listen to the music because I knew that he wouldn't get anything out of it. So I had his aid come & help me get him back to the unit. I did have a good time though because we sat with another couple from his unit & I got to know the wife.

    I am exhausted! Too much excitement for one day!
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeJul 30th 2013
    Sounds like it was a great day Elaine.
    On the first, I began this month's check-in. It fits that I post at the end as well. My trip to California was wonderful. 2 of my sisters took me to the airport In the wee hours of the 23rd and hand me into the hands of the airport personnel. From that point until my Daughter met me, I was basically, just along for the ride. The airlines changed my seats on every flight --for their ease in getting me seated. I can no longer walk any distance (more than a few feet) even with the crutches, and certainly not in those skinny aisles.
    The flights were wonderful-not quite as keen on takeoffs and landings.
    The only thing we'd planned for me to see that I didn't was the Pacific--from land. Fog every time we tried. I did, however, see the Bay when we crossed to and from Alcatraz. Crossed the Golden Gate 4 times. Most impressive to me was the panoramic views. In the area where we were, from the driver's side window all the way around to the passenger's window you can see the hills roll out and up for miles. Huge. My least favorite thing was all he long, narrow, switchback roads---chains of curves with speed signs--25, 20, 30, 15, on and on, up and up; down and down. I've never been able to ride a roller coaster. These roads were close enough.
    The time with Barb and Mike was so very good. This was my best Birthday gift ever. I'm 65 now. Don't feel a bit older, but think maybe I'm a bit more aware that I need to be as open as possible to opportunities and options. They seldom come back, once gone. Large or small, they expand your life with color and experience.
    Got back late last night and now have to get back to the everyday, but that's good too.
    • CommentTimeJul 31st 2013
    I'm glad that you had such a successful and enjoyable trip. Well-deserved!
    I lived in the Los Altos - Palo Alto area for a few years, and we would often go to San Francisco. Many of the sights you describe bring back fond memories.
    • CommentAuthorFiona68
    • CommentTimeJul 31st 2013
    That was wise advice to "be as open as possible to opportunities and options. They seldom come back, once gone." Of course, in my head I think I have all the time in the world and my knee-jerk reaction is typically to say "no" first and then think it through. I'll try to make a conscious effort to think first and then say "yes", remembering that this opportunity may never come again.
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeJul 31st 2013
    Good to hear Carol. I'm going up north the rest of the week. Celebrating my 5th year since diagnosis today and my 43rd anniversary tomorrow. Catch up next week.
    ElaineH and Carosi I am so glad you all had nice trips. And you have a good one too Wolf.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeJul 31st 2013
    So long July.