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    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2013
    It's been quite a month. I haven't been around, trying to do a little catch up. About mid-May, I wasn't feeling right, nothing specific. Within a couple of weeks, abdominal discomfort, then pain. Doctors, emergency room, transported to Cleveland Clinic. I cried & cried, mostly about what would happen to D., what would he do, etc. Thank God, literally, for my children. They've never had to be called upon, but when they were, they stepped up to the plate. They dealt with their father very well, people from my church dropped by to make sure he was okay. I am blessed.
    It turned out, to try make a long story short, I had an intestinal abscess, which was leaking infection (& stool) into the abdominal cavity. After 11 days in the hospital, I was very glad to come home, even though recuperation is slow. D. met me at the back door, hugged me, kissed me on the cheek, told me he loved me & was glad I was home. There was that moment, at least. By the next day, I had become the enemy once again!
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2013
    Mim so glad you are recouping now after your ordeal. sometimes it happens that when we need an extra dose of understanding our spouses will step up as well as family. so sorry to hear of these complications but that you are now in better health.
    Mim - wow that is a serious one so glad you are home now and getting better. Hope your children will continue to help out.
    Mim, please take care of yourself. Glad that you are back at home.