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    • CommentAuthorAmber
    • CommentTimeJun 22nd 2013 edited
    Hi Coco - I sent you an email and with my dial up I'm not sure if it went. Can you let me know you got it. Also used a different email address the other one takes forever to download and doesn't work.

    Mary - I'll send you an email from that address as well so we can coordinate and hopefully meet up next month.
    • CommentTimeJun 22nd 2013
    What time, Coco and Amber? I can be there at any time.
    There's a White Spot in Kerrisdale that would be handy for both Coco and me.
    The address is 5367 West Boulevard (37th & Arbutus).
    The food is good, moderate price, free underground parking off the lane, or good bus service). Can be noisy.
    If not the White Spot, is there another place you'd like to eat?
    There's a Red Onion at 2028 West 41st(just east of Arbutus) that is quieter. Great food but limited selection (soups, great burgers). Pay parking on street or go up to 42nd and park underground London Drug.
    I'll wear, or carry, a Tilley hat and wear something red.
    • CommentTimeJun 22nd 2013
    A little pricier but oh, so good, is the French cooking at Bistro Patis.
    Lunch is from 11:30-2:00. Pay parking on the street.
    Address is 2153 West 4th Ave.
    Lovely, quiet atmosphere.
    NO I did not get your email Amber..

    Mary75* as far as I am concerned, I could go for a White Spot burger. I will likely be in town mid around lunch on the 18th, so that would work. Or later is fine too.

    Bistro Patis sounds great too, if I am in on time!
    • CommentAuthorAmber
    • CommentTimeJun 23rd 2013
    Coco - I'll try sending it again.

    White spot sounds good to me, hubby's and birth family's favorite restaurant. Will just have to figure out which one you are talking about, I have a road map of Vancouver and will look it up. I'm pretty sure I've been there.

    I hope it works out for me.