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    • CommentAuthorro1928
    • CommentTimeJun 22nd 2013
    my week was terrible my DH was not in a good mood my Leukemia symptoms were giving me pain my halo was down around my ankles and I was feeling very sorry for myself then we were invited to a wedding at our church and one of the guys came and told me that he and the other guys were going to take over my DH for the day and I could just go and enjoy the wedding. It brings the tears when I think of how great it is to belong to a church like that and makes me realize it is not all sour grapes. I don't post often but don't know how I'd get by if I didn't have this place to come to everyday. Thanks to all of you for your support and posts. by the way I am 84 my DH is 88 we've been married 67 years and on this rocky road 4 years now he is stage 5 or 6.
    Oh, ro1928! How very nice - there are good people around! Go and enjoy!
    • CommentAuthorAmber
    • CommentTimeJun 22nd 2013
    Enjoy the wedding!
    • CommentAuthorbqd*
    • CommentTimeJun 22nd 2013
    Enjoy your day - yes good people sometimes crop up when least expected and in unusual places!
    • CommentTimeJun 22nd 2013
    Ro, I am so sorry your symptoms were causing you pain..((hugs)) I am however happy to hear that humanity is alive and well. There truly are so many wonderful people in this world, I am glad you are surrounded by some of them ♥
    Ro, a man from our church stayed with my DH last night so I could go to a wedding and it was wonderful. I cried a bit when the father danced with the bride and the song "I Held Her First" was playing. It reminded me of our daughters' weddings. The father's eyes were also misty. Just can't tell you, though, how nice it was to be out without having to be concerned about DH. Enjoy your special time out.