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      CommentAuthorol don*
    • CommentTimeJun 22nd 2013
    Deadly Secret & A Cure! Alzheimer’s Is A Prion (MAD COW) Disease – Coconut Oil The Cure!

    Friday, June 21, 2013 12:47


    (Before It's News)

    My wonderful mother is beginning to suffer from the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. She’s a bit over 70 now and though doing great physically, she is starting to break down a bit mentally. I’ve shared with her the recommendations of alternative health practicioners to consume large amounts of pure virgin coconut oil daily to help combat Alzheimer’s and it seems to be helping her right away. An encouraging and amazing video about Alzheimer’s alternative treatments using coconut oil is at the bottom of the story. There is a cure for Alzheimer’s! This story from Ed Ward MD. is not to be taken lightly. Is Alzheimer’s really a ‘prion disease’, similar to mad cow, and that info is being covered up? According to Dr. Ward, it is indeed.

    One side is your brain. The other side is your brain on prions.

    Government’s, Corporation’s and Search Engines Deadly Secret: “Alzheimer’s Disease is a Prion Disease.” Original brief article

    Alzheimer’s Disease Is a Prion Disease. A TSE, Transmissable (Transmittable) Spongiform Encephalopathy: Variants, Sub Variants of TSE Prions – Mad Cow Disease – BSE, Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy, CJD, Creutzfeldt-Jakobs Disease, Kuru, Sheep and Goat Scrapie, Cat – FSE, Elk and Deer – CWD, Chronic Wasting Disease. There are also ‘inherited’ genes that may cause a small portion of CJD, GSS and FFI. But, as will be discussed briefly later in the article, may or may not be correct.

    The primary transmission of prion diseases is ingestion of prions from the Central Nervous System (Brain, Eyes, Spine and Spinal Fluid) of animals. These unwanted ‘left overs’ were used in animal ‘feed’ for ‘protein’ and ‘mystery meats’ (hotdogs, etc) as ‘filler’. These resilient, nearly indestructible by nature, or cooking, individual factories of plague were spread throughout the populations (animal and human) and around the planet awaiting their ‘activation’ by hydration.

    Non-infectious form of prion protein could cause brain degeneration. (Note: This is the outdated 2009 original quote. We know it Does cause brain degeneration. Non-infectious since we don’t eat their brains, there is absolutely no reason these prions are any different than any other prions. If eaten they will go to work) … with the amyloid-â peptides that are hallmarks of Alzheimer’s disease.

    SCIENTISTS CONFIRM THAT ALZHEIMER’S IS A PRION DISEASE …. 25th Feb 2009 ALZHEIMER’S – PRION CAUSES AMYLOID PLAQUE BUILD UP (An excellent, informative article to come back to if one is a ‘novice’ to prions.) To download an English .doc and PP reader from microsoft

    There maybe more than one cause for Dementia or Alzheimer’s because a mechanism of inflammation induce brain damage is well known and foods like Blueberries and Turmeric help considerably with this condition. Blueberries effectually reduce inflammation and increase the brains own production of BDNF that cleans up amyloid plaques. If it was strictly Prion then this mechanism would not be observed.
    I am also a big proponent of Coconut Oil for its Many health benefits.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeJun 24th 2013
    As I have always believed: there is more than one cause and much of the cause is related to environment and/or the crap put into the food chain. When you think of all the pesticides used and crops including those consumed by animals and human alike; the antibiotics, hormones, etc given to animals - does it not surprise one they are involved? My husband's is genetic related I am sure, but for the late onset, after 65, many of the cases are food chain related I believe.
    • CommentAuthorbqd*
    • CommentTimeJun 24th 2013 edited
    I don't know what to believe anymore - and I worked in the medical field for many years.
    When I graduated from university, I worked in a research lab associated with a chicken processing plant. The chicken farms actively fed pork byproducts to chickens, that were then butchered for use by KFC, the Golden Arches, and other fast food chains. And before anybody gets excited about this tidbit of information, this was normal industry practice at the time.
    Does this mean that anyone who has EVER eaten in a fast food restaurant who does not contract CJD, or any other form of TSE, will eventually suffer from AD? No, I think there is a lot more to the story than that. Some of it is genetic, some is environmental, and some is "everything in moderation".

    And if I go by what science tells me, because of the environment in which I grew up, the pesticides, air contaminants, and water contaminants I was exposed to, not to mention the hot dogs and other processed meats I ate, I should have several forms of cancer, lung disease, kidney disease and probably a host of other things wrong with me. I don't. I have high blood pressure, due in part to the stresses in dealing with my DH and his dementia.

    Why does my DH have AD? I haven't got a clue. And at this point it really doesn't matter to me, I just have to deal with it.
    • CommentTimeJun 25th 2013
    Remember: There is an automatic Noble prize waiting for the first person to solve the Alzheimer's Disease riddle.

    Until that is awarded, I view all this information about causes and cures (for the plaques and tangles) as nothing but someone's opinion. And opinions are like bellybuttons, everyone has one. . . .