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    Yesterday was our anniversary. I was emotionally doing good until late afternoon when the flowers came with a note signed with my husbands name. I broke down completely sobbing gut wrenching blubbering. I know they didn't come from him, was probably his son sent them thinking it would be sweet. But it was so unexpected and the reminder of all that is now gone was too much. It was exactly what he would have done back in the day. Bam! Well today is another day and I'll just get back on the horse.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeJun 21st 2013
    I completely understand how you feel. Today is our 43rd wedding anniversary, and I have said nothing to remind him. He gets very emotional and cries that he feels so bad that he can't go out and buy me a card, that I figure it's best to just ignore the whole thing. I used to take him to the store so he could pick out a card for me, but he's too physically disabled now for me to handle him and the wheelchair in and out of the car.

    I try to take comfort in the fact that we had 36 wonderful years together before Alzheimer's Disease stole everything. I am trying to focus on all the good years and be thankful for them. Hope you can do the same.

    My heart goes out to you both. Sending ((((Hugs))))
    Here is to your hearts on these sad anniversarys.
    • CommentTimeJun 21st 2013 edited
    Our anniversary would have been June 16th. Yes, i thought about him all day. I thought it was really nice that his son thought enough of you to send the flowers. All "steps" aren't that thoughtful.
    It seems so many of us are going through this 'period' right now. Joan, I, too, don't mention a special day to him anymore, because he gets upset when he realizes he didn't get me anything. This is a big part of the heartbreak for all of us. At least we have each other - here- on Joan's site!
    Our anniversary was last week on the 11th. My DH didn't say anything. I just planned to go out to dinner and give him a nice card..Then about 5 pm the doorbell roses from my brother. The flowers were signed to us from my brother. So while I was a little wistful that DH had no idea of the day until the roses arrived, I was thrilled that someone remembered the day. Inasmuch as my brother's wife died almost 2 years ago, it was especially sweet of him to send the flowers...her death is still hard for him.
    Thank you all. I don't know what I would do or where I would be without all of you and your support. I hope I can give as well as receive. Thank you Joan and I hope you also got through the day remembering how sweet we had it. We are very lucky.
    • CommentAuthorlindat
    • CommentTimeJun 23rd 2013
    I don't remind mine either june 3rd was 41 years he dosent remember any more but that is just the way it is I had a few friends wish me happy anniversary but of course its never the same
    • CommentAuthorJanet
    • CommentTimeJun 23rd 2013
    I had quite a shock last night. We were watching "Keeping Up Appearances", Richard forgot their anniversary and was trying to hide the fact from Hyacinth. Bob said to me, "Our anniversary is August 12." He was right! He has forgotten through most of our 45 years of marriage, so to remember now was astonishing. He didn't know the year we were married, but the month and day was enough for me.
    • CommentAuthorxox
    • CommentTimeJun 23rd 2013
    I think being relaxed and not trying to remember enabled him to remember. Plus anything said on TV makes my wife think about something pertaining to herself, no matter how tangental.