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    First of all, I am ok.
    I woke up Sunday morning after a vary bad dream. We were running from a disaster and I was trying to get us home to DD. DH kept pulling in the wrong direction and I could not get him to go with me. I ended up letting him go so I could get DD to safety. I watched as DH walked the wrong way into danger. I woke up at that point not able to breath and a heaviness on my chest. Even after I was up it did not go away. And as the morning wore on it became worse. Now I had had these episodes several times over the last two weeks. And chalked it up to stress. I have a regular check up in Aug. Well the pain began to worry me so I decided to go to the ER.

    I woke up youngest DD to watch her dad. And called older DD to meet me at the ER. Long story short..... as you all know this caregiving causes us all undue stress and messes with our bodies. That was what was wrong with me. Good to know by the way. I am going to try to eat better and rest when possible. It is just hard to make it happen sometimes.

    After all of that, as planned DD and SIL came over and made us a feast. Grilled out all sorts of goodies. We all enjoyed it. (I will start eating better tomorrow) So glad all ended well.
    I get that. A couple years ago when Jeff was just hitting the worst of the psychotic stuff that heralded his steep decline and I was beginning the thought of placement, I had my one and only real panic attack, and it sounded a lot like what you just described. I did end up going to the doc and getting an ekg and all that stuff. It's amazing what stress can do, and how under stress AD caregivers can be.
    • CommentTimeJun 17th 2013 edited
    blue, so glad you went to the ER and had yourself checked out. I hope it brought you at least some peace of mind. Eating better is a good choice but what you really need are some breaks!

    I had never had a panic attack in my entire life, until the year before placement. The first time it happened I thought I was having a heart attack. I had no choice but to bring Lynn to the ER with me, my stats were ridiculous and they too thought I was having a heart attack. When my sister came to help with Lynn she took him down to the cafeteria for a drink. My stats leveled out once he wasn't in the room. When they returned, after about 15 minutes several nurses came running in the room, they were surprised to see me sitting up and talking. One said what in the world did you do to her? Her stats just went off the charts! Yeah, stress!!

    It wasn't long after that these "attacks" turned into what they called Mini-TIA's. Thankfully there was no permanent damage but I was told firmly that the next one could be a full blown stroke. Turns out that kind of stress can be deadly. Scary stuff! Your body is giving you a warning blue, I hope you take notice. Please try hard to find a way to get a break......... ((hugs))
    blue I am so glad you got yourself checked out!! What a scary dream, I know they do not all have deeper meanings, but this one sure sounded like your dh was scared as he was moving in his own direction. I am so sorry blue.

    This may seem weird, but I am going to give you a smoothie recipe. I have it every morning for the past 6 months and I swear it is a lifesaver. More energy, way less panic attacks.

    in your blender, (I freeze the banana to make it nice and cold)--

    1 banana
    half papaya, or in your area, perhaps some peaches or can you get mango?
    4 strawberries and a handful of blueberries, raspberries, cherries, just your favorite berry
    quarter cup non fat yogurt, or your favorite yogurt.
    2 tablespoons protein powder, ( I use hemp powder from the health food store, it is just ONE ingredient and has all the good protein, half a days worth
    quarter cup almond milk or if you prefer low fat milk, or juice.
    1 teaspoon flax oil

    Just whir it up, it is delicious.

    I used to keep yogurt in the fridge until it turned to science projects, this way I get a bit every day and so good for the body.

    And those panic attacks, yuk yes I think I still get them , a thumping and bumping in the chest feels really weird. That is one of the reasons I went off the Celexa it can damage the heart. Doing ok without it.

    Love you blue!
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeJun 17th 2013
    stress is a very real risk factor for us as caregivers. its why we need to have a small break now and then even if within our homes a bit of time to ourselves.
    a release of mind and body to think of something happy and away from dementia related problems. Blue, glad you are ok, like the others say find a bit of time for yourself.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeJun 17th 2013
    anyone use the 'bullet' type blenders? I don't have room for a huge/bulky blender and they seem smaller
    Blue glad your OK...some dreams can be very scary.
    Coco, yum your smoothie sounds like I would love it...
    Charlotte, I have a stick blender, that works well.
    My stress comes out in tummy gets all tied up in knots with unbearable pain.
    I must admit to being lazy when it comes to eating better, can't be bothered to cook just for me. A coffee and toast or sometimes cereal for dinner.
    • CommentAuthorbqd*
    • CommentTimeJun 17th 2013
    Blue, I had a dream similar to yours not that long ago, so I can relate. The last one I had like that I woke up quite disturbed.

    I am also finally trying to do something about my health - I can't do much about the stress, but I am taking something for my high blood pressure. I'm not used to being on medication but if it will help keep me from having a stroke, then that's what I will do. I've been to the doctor's office (for my own care) more in the last two months than I have in the last 10 years. I get lots of exercise (there is no one else to do the work that needs to be done) and I think I eat healthy enough, start the day with granola, low fat yoghurt and fruit (the healthiness of my meals probably goes downhill from there as the day moves to evening and I pour a glass of wine), but as divvi says, the stress is the real risk factor for us and we need to look after ourselves as best we can.
    Coco, I have several friends who do the smoothies now. They add a handful of greens too. Kale or something like that. And you do not taste it either. I need to find a blender. What kind do you use.
    Hey blue I have one I have had for years that I bought at Costco.(Oster brand) I am sure Walmart will have one for under $50.00. I have a friend who uses a "bullet" and she likes my blender better , says it mixes it up better.

    She also has a veggie recipe.....I would not add veggies to the one I said. She uses, pineapple chunks or juice, half an apple, protein powder, and throws in a cup of spinach as she does not like the kale. She also does not put the yogurt but I bet it would be good in there. I am TRYING to make myself drink that, she said it tastes great and wow what a way to get your veggies.

    I hope that you will do this, I know nothing will take away the pain we suffer, but, if your health is better it makes it a bit more tolerable.
    • CommentAuthorAnn*
    • CommentTimeJun 18th 2013
    I've heard the bullet is not worth much.You can always check consumer report.Good luck
    A little vodka in that smoothy will really make it smooth.......
    georgestreit*, To funny!!! I may try it!!!! LOL