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    • CommentAuthordog
    • CommentTimeJun 16th 2013
    Still a great post, Joan! Happy Father's Day to Sid.

    P.S. Hang in there with all that's going on.
    Happy Father' Day to all the male spouses and caregivers here.
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeJun 16th 2013
    Joan, a great Father's Day post...Happy Father's Day to Sid too.

    Yes, the stress of finding a good place AND figuring out how you are going to live is overwhelming and debilitating. Not only the burden we feel making the decision but all the emotions that go with placement and the loss of our spouses physical presence at home. We are faced with almost impossible decisions for them and for ourselves. This is truly a very cruel disease for all involved.

    I truly hope you get some rest. Please know all of us on your wonderful site pray for you and Sid during these difficult times. ((((HUGS))))
    What a nice post. Our children have many good memories I'm sure of their dad. We were fortunate in that he recognized everyone until the very last.
    My prayers for you, Joan at this time of so many decisions. And I'm sure you missed your dad so much on this special day.
    • CommentTimeJun 16th 2013
    ♥ Happy Father's Day to all our amazing male members ♥
    You have shown such an extraordinary strength to all of us who share this dreaded role of Alzheimer's spouse.
    Yet, no matter all you have done, you must face this unbearable pain and stress. I send you my thoughts and support.

    I found Father's Day to be difficult even though we spent it with daughters and their families. It was a nice day that my DH enjoyed but I had to play the great pretender. I smile though my heart is breaking.
    I don't like any holidays anymore. They depress me. Then I am disappointed in myself for feeling this way.
    My every minute feels so consumed by the pain of watching my DH decline.
    Fathers' Day, yes. Jeff's awareness is so limited these days...I sat with him and rubbed his shoulders. There's not a lot else one can do these days. The kids are spread about--some close, some far and wide--but it's just as good that the girls go and give him a hug and a word in his ear when they're around...the specific date means nothing in particular.

    But the thought of it did give me a little pause. Fathers' Day, eh? I thought...
    Well, mine died in '09 of Parkinson's, and Jeff's condition is infantile. Life has it's wistful aspects, doesn't it?
    It was an ok day anyway.
    Yes I hope all you wonderful Fathers had some joy yesterday!