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    • CommentAuthorsamismom22
    • CommentTimeJun 15th 2013
    I don't post here often but do check in often. Well the last 2 weeks have been so crazy here. Took my daughter to get her learner's permit, saw my son who is a senior win over $4,000 in extra scholarships money at our school senior awards night, went to 5 different graduation parties, cleaned poop up off of hubs and showered him after his first big accident, finished out my school year as a teacher, saw my son win a huge athlete of the year award and have hubs ask "what did he win" over and over again, planned a huge pond birthday party for my 16 year old daughter, and found someone to sit with hubs during most of the party, saw my son graduate from high school and sat with hubs who asked me 5 min after he walked across the stage if he graduated yet, listened to hubs ream me out several times in the last 2 weeks for "forcing him to take his shoes off before bed" ( I just leave them on now! :) ) Today I saw senior son leave for the beach with friends and traveled with daughter and hubs to an all day lacrosse tourney. Hubs has already asked at least 10 times where is our son?
    I just hate this disease....just saying!
    • CommentAuthormary22033
    • CommentTimeJun 15th 2013
    Congratulations on your son’s achievements! I know it’s heartbreaking that your DH isn’t able to truly share in these special family moments, and very sorry you’ve entered this next level of care with your DH – very difficult with such an active family! (((HUGS)))

    My son just graduated and is headed for beach week in the morning, too. I'll keep your son in prayer for safe travels :)
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeJun 15th 2013
    A lot of good things to smile about happened - a lot of important milestones witnessing to the great job you are doing with the kids despite your husband's illness and the stress it produces.
    • CommentAuthorsamismom22
    • CommentTimeJun 16th 2013
    Thanks ladies! ;) Just so much to take in the last 2 weeks, I am a bit more emotional than normal. Thanks for the positive spin on it all. It really is all about balance with this disease isn't it. Balancing the positive with the frustrations! :)
    Hi samismom22, just dropping in with hugs and love for you.
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeJun 16th 2013
    sanismom22, I agree with Charlotte, so many milestones and so much to be proud of. It's no easy task to care for a dementia spouse, but with teenagers- OMG! Be proud of the wonderful job you're doing!