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    Well, second year at urgent care with poison oak. He got a steroid shot and steroids to take. Keeps asking me why the new medicine, while his eyes are swollen. That was a week ago. Everyday I have to say stay away from it. He got mad at me and I went inside. I thought he was in his shop, went out later he was gone. Called his cell phone he was 1 1/2 miles away. He didn't know where he was. Asked what he was next to and didn't read the street sign just said a church and cemetery. I knew where he was and told him to stay there. Took just a couple minutes to get there. He said I knew where I was and how to get home. But when I stopped to pick him up he looked at me like who are you. Sometimes I wish it were raining and winter so he wouldn't go outside. This is going to be a long summer. I now have poison oak from his clothes and towels!
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2013
    We were recently talking about "runners "in another post, is there a way you could lock the door to keep him safely inside? Some have resorted to inside locks. I know it seems drastic, but when one's back is to the wall, what choices are there? We have to keep them safe. I am also wondering if you have spoken with his doctor to discuss medicines you could try to help ease these symptoms?

    We are dealing with poison oak here too with the children. It is dreadful! So sorry you both have it and I hope it clears quickly. ((hugs))
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2013 edited
    have you tried the poison oak drops? They use to have them when I was growing up at the store. One of my brothers was not allergic to it and made fun of the rest of us. My uncle told us if we ate it we would not get it. We were very lucky cause I now know it was very dangerous to do. I do remember mom buying poison oak drops at the store and giving to us so we need not have as much of a reaction. Don't know if it is still available or not.

    Was always funny cause the goats would eat everything in the pasture EXCEPT the poison oak.
    • CommentAuthoryhouniey
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2013
    In the 70's our Dr. gave us the poison oak extract drops. Worked great. Now I can't get the liquid but get it in pill form from Luyties Homeopathic Co. It's called Rhus.Tox.It really helps,for several years we started in March taking it every day for severak weeks and then down to once a week. After a couple years we could stand in it and not get it.This was all on advice from the Dr.,not my own idea. Can't seem to find a homeopathic physcian now.