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    • CommentAuthorPhilylady
    • CommentTimeJun 9th 2013
    Hello All,
    I'm so glad you are here. My boyfriend who was once my fiance has been dx with cognitive impairment two years ago, based on my insistance
    he see a neurologist. He didn't do well on the first test, got a good night's sleep the second year and passed! Since then he's deteriorated.
    I've known him 2.5 years and have called off the wedding when I saw signs of confusion and distractability and limited short term memory.
    When he is getting more sleep he does better. He is on Namenda and Aerosept and Adderol. His family won't have much to do with him, only on the surface and
    of course I am the bad one for not wanting to marry him, but I had a chat with him the first week he and I met. I have orthopedic issues and am incapable of being
    a caregiver. The b/f before had traumatic brain injury, so I had a crash course in neurology with that 9 year relationship. My b/f is moving out of my home next week. He
    has impaired executitve function whereas he can't plan. It is so apparent to me he has the beginnings of dementia but the neurologist won't acknowledge it or
    give him the pet scan. He's had an MRI with no change but shows too much white matter. He is also impotent for 14 years which we know is vascular.
    Is it possible this the beginning of vascular dementia? I need support, as I have burned out. I feel badly he sold his home to live with me, now he has to move as he
    is too much work for me. I am thinking for two and I can't do it. I find myself getting forgetful having to manage his life and mine.
    That's my story. He is now 61 and I am 60, just recovering from a total knee replacement.
    If anyone can relate, and I'm sure there are people here, please write me.
    I am Charlotte at
    Thank you for being here.

    When My Dear Helen first started showing signs of forgetfulness, the first thing they did was giver her a brain scan.
    They then told me that it showed signs of numerous small strokes (tia's) and diagnosed her with Vascular Dementia.
    I hope someone in your boy friend's family can care for him. If he's a veteran, the veterans administration should do it.
    .................I wish the best for you Charlotte..........
    • CommentAuthorAmber
    • CommentTimeJun 9th 2013
    Charolette...I'm going to be burtal and honest....if not married to him legal or otherwise (longterm relationship) please see he gets help and move on with your life. No you don't have to cut him out of your life just look after yourself.

    I too wish the best for you.