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    • CommentAuthorAmber
    • CommentTimeJun 9th 2013
    Is anyone familiar with the battering cycle.....honeymoon stage, escalating stage, then the rage, outburst stage, back to the honeymoon stage.

    Hubby had his rage a little over 2 weeks ago and since then has been in the honeymoon stage...I've been able to keep everything calm. Today I notice his is escalating and going into the next stage...short tempered, talking to himself in the mirror, saying nasty things. So the rage is coming and he will be removed this time and put into permanent care.

    I just hope I can do it.
    Amber--you will do it. Reality is, when he outbursts you can be hurt seriously.. If that happens, you'll both be up S**ts crick. Keep a phone on you and be as safe as you can. It can happen in a flash, and even if you know it's coming, you won't know when 'til it's in your face.
    • CommentAuthorbqd*
    • CommentTimeJun 9th 2013
    Amber, you can and will do it, and don't wait too long to make that 911 call. You know the signs, you know what is going to come next. You know this is best for both of you, and for the rest of your family.
    Hang in there girl, I am praying for you!
    • CommentAuthorAmber
    • CommentTimeJun 9th 2013
    carosi and bonnie - I know I have to do this and it's folks like you that make me keep focus and understand it is what I have to do. Big girl panties on now! This so sucks, I fiqure in the next day or two it will come to a head. Good that I know you have my back.
    Amber please be careful and don't tell yourself it might go away, or you can take it. Please take care, and I hope he is on some meds...I may have missed you mentioning that somewhere.
    My first thought too was meds--whether he's at home with you or in a facility, rage is unacceptable. It may not be a walk in the park to get the meds adjusted and the rage under control, but it can be done.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeJun 10th 2013
    good luck amber, stay safe.
    I agree with marilynMD the rage is controllable and they will get him under control even if in a facility. not easy but its possible. it will take a combo and that's a difficult time to find the right ones.