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    I think this subject has been covered before but I couldn't find it. He sits here and unties his shoes and then takes them off. If I'm lucky he only gets knots (or ties them together) a few times a day. I have to stop what I'm doing and go put them on for him and tie them again. I have put them on and retied them 5 times in the last 10 minutes, and probably 20 times today. I don't know what to do to distract him.
    Get him the velcro ones - he can't tangle them up too easily! Or just the slip-on shoes. I know this is frustrating when they do stuff like this. will happen. What if you just ignore him?
    • CommentTimeMay 30th 2013
    I agree get him the velcro ones. Of course he may still take them off and on, but at least this way he can manage the task by himself.
    • CommentAuthorElaineH
    • CommentTimeMay 30th 2013
    Oh Mary, I can't tell you how many times my DH would take his shoes off & on & tie & untie them & get them into knots. Even after I placed him in the Veterans Home when I would come to visit him I would have to get the knots out of his laces (I thought it was interesting that of all the abilities he lost he could STILL tie his shoes!) Then his feet swelled up & for the longest time they couldn't get his shoes on him & he just wore the non slip socks. His aid wanted him to have shoes so she told me to go buy him a pair. I bought him a pair a size larger than he normally wore with the Velcro strips & the aid was very happy!
    Yes, I'm going for the Velcro when I can get out to buy them. Tonight I talked him into his "slippers". They have real soles and are more like boat shoes. But they are old and run over at the heels. He's so unsteady I'm afraid he will turn his ankle and fall.