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    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeMay 29th 2013
    I am totally confused!!

    For the last few years my DH was totally unable and unwilling to do the lawn or remove the snow with a shovel or blower. He would get very frustrated and exhausted. I have had to hire people to do these jobs for us.
    All of a sudden he is wanting to cut grass, plant trees and shrubs and is wanting to buy his own snowblower for this next winter. He has become very active and just runs from one job to the other. He gets very tired and forgets all kinds of things and will not see tools that are right in front of him unless I touch that tool, then he sees it.

    What is happening??? Anyone have an answer for this change?? Dr. says let him go but watch the tools incase he hurts himself. How do I keep him from hurting himself?? This is crazy!!
    • CommentAuthorxox
    • CommentTimeMay 29th 2013
    Sounds like some brain function has returned, he now has enough function to want to do a hub but sounds like not enough to do them properly or safely. Actually, sounds manic.

    Think about what he can do safely and let him try those jobs under your supervision. I suspect this will pass before it is time to buy a snowblower. You might want to disable the lawnmower or get rid of it.

    Try to distract and redirect him from the work, maybe find something he can try to do. Ask doctor about possible medication. Was the doctor you saw his GP? A neurologist might have better advice.

    In addition to his own safety some people have reported immense home damage by their spouses when they try to fix things.

    I am sure this is a stage. Can't say how long it will last.