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    • CommentAuthorAmber
    • CommentTimeMay 25th 2013
    Is your house noisey.

    I mean hubby talking about nothing, banging and clanging anything, always asking you "what did you say" and you have said nothing. TV or radio on very loud. You get on the phone and he sits down right beside you and stares at you while you are talking...... and on and on.

    Whenever I get even just afew minutes of quiet I really treasure it.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeMay 25th 2013
    Others will come along that have the same situation. Fortunately I have not had to deal with it - yet. The always asking what I said or 'I didn't hear you' was what got him to the doctor in the first place - I got tired of repeating to him. Now he repeats to me all the time.
    Oh yes, Amber - Radio going in one room, TV in the other and about the phone, that's exactly what my DH does. Drives me crazy. I, too, treasure a few minutes of quiet. After he goes to bed, I turn off everything and read, take a warm bath or get some computer time...but no noise, please.
    Yes it is noisy....the bloody TV is way too loud and it is non stop Hitler, WW II, the military channel or any of the Godfather type films he can find...kick boxing, boxing, racing, you name it. News? nah he can't follow it. I put cotton in my ears.
    • CommentAuthoracvann
    • CommentTimeMay 26th 2013
    Our house is very quiet. My wife is either sleeping or watching TV!
    • CommentAuthorbqd*
    • CommentTimeMay 26th 2013
    Like acvann, our house is usually quiet, because DH sleeps alot and we live in a very quiet area.
    The exception is when my DH is trying to be quiet, so that he doesn't disturb me. That's when he does a lot of banging, slamming of doors, and other annoying noises! If it wasn't so irritating, it would be funny!
    Our house is usually quiet. He stays in his recliner, TV on. But then he messes up the remote and the noise starts - calling me to come fix it! Yep, I'm the 'fixer' around here - whatever it is!
    • CommentAuthorbqd*
    • CommentTimeMay 26th 2013
    I HEAR you Vickie! (pun intended) LOL
    I am also the "fixer" of anything and everything that he has managed to mess up.
    • CommentAuthorAmber
    • CommentTimeMay 26th 2013
    I bet that like in my house you aren't only the "fixer" but the "what did you do to this" because it isn't working the way they want it to..

    It's always our fault.
    Of course, Amber!
    • CommentAuthorlulliebird
    • CommentTimeMay 26th 2013
    Our house is quite also as he sleeps until 11 a.m. in the morning...then watches t-v in the other side of the house. The only noise I hear is when he's rattling around looking for something he's misplaced...then all hell breaks lose. It's either one extreme or the other.
    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeMay 29th 2013
    My DH likes the house very quiet and doesn't like visitors , but he loves to go to ADP, MacDonald's and the mall. These places are very busy and active and noisy. Anyone have an answer for that one?
    Our house is very quiet, too. DH doesn't do well in noisy situations. I, too, am the "fixer". He doesn't ask me to fix the remote anymore, as communication is not there. I will go into the bedroom and he will be staring at the guide, or a channel that we don't get and he's staring at a black screen. Ugh! As he is not aggressive, I refuse to keep my grandkids away from the house. 2 of my grandsons spent the Memorial weekend with us (9 & 10), and DH spent almost the entire weekend in the bedroom with the door shut. I kept them busy, they hang out in the 2nd bedroom I've set up for them. And Jazzy, yes! DH likes to go to MacDonald's for a burger, but he doesn't do very well. As for an answer to that one....I got nuthin'