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      CommentAuthorol don*
    • CommentTimeMay 20th 2013
    Tragic can't imagine all those lost little babies,makes me sick,they never had a chance
    • CommentTimeMay 20th 2013
    Isn't Dean Haywood* from Tulsa?
    Yes - I live in Tulsa. I was born and raised here, along with all of my family. It was assumed, growing up, that you would live here, die here, and be buried here in a cemetery half full of your relatives and acquaintances. But, my DW and I got a job transfer in 1976 (broke the mold) and lived in Little Rock then in Phoenix and then back to Little Rock until her condition worsened and she had to enter a nursing home. I brought her back three years ago so our children could see their Mother more often. Now, I am her to stay.

    The tornadoes, and even other severe storms are terrible in the Spring and always have been. It is just terrible what happened to those good people. I don't mean to sound trite, but, here they almost become a way of life. They are just expected to happen. Maybe that's tragic, but, things become a way of life. They even happened before cable television.

    I am a great believer in the Red Cross and the Salvation Army and will be my little bit (financially) to help them. Not only in this tragedy but in future ones as well regardless of where they are needed.

    Regards to all.
    I quess the edit staff removed my prior comment. However, that being said, I spoke with a friend in Shawnee, they are expecting more storms today. The most we can do at this time is support the two organizations that are doing the most relief with boots on the ground. Good to hear that you are safe Dean, is there anyone else that is out there from out little family?
    Dean - my dh and I both are from Claremore area. We lived in Tulsa and Norman before coming to Tenn. I was in K C Kansas when that tornado went through a few days ago. We were concerned because we have relatives who live in Moore and fortunately they were in a cellar and their houses were not in the path. Yes, tornadoes do sorta become " a way of life" strange as it may sound. I was in only one in the 33 years I lived there and we took shelter in a neighbor's basement. We didn't have the benefit of all the radar warnings they have now it was just watch the clouds and when they get yellow-green that is not good.
    In the hope of not offending the true Okies, I can truly say (in my opinion) that Okla has the most miserable weather in the whole U.S. I was born and raised here and didn't know any better until I moved away. Even the nice days are miserable and when you can turn over and go back to sleep with the tornado sirens sounding, you know that you've got a problem in the head.

    Oh well. What else is new?
    Well, Dean, one thing for sure Okla is not for the faint of heart. Either blazing hot or freezing cold or tornado sirens!. But, you know what the people are what make any state and there are some dear ones for me who live there. We also enjoy the football team at OU! But after retirement we never considered leaving beautiful middle Tennessee.