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    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeMay 19th 2013
    I am totally confused by this disease and how it acts and presents itself. Friday DH went to help our son put a door in a garage. He had a great time and teased our son unmercifully about not wearing gloves. DH was the gopher!! Of course Son scrapes his fingers and that was enough for DH to continue the teasing.
    From what I hear, they had a great time together, finished off with soup and sandwich then home.
    DH informed me that he was very happy and had a great day. Played with the dogs and the beagle loved him to death.
    Yesterday I took him for coffee and a muffin at MacDonald's at Walmart and he wanted to walk around the electronics section so off we went. He asked me if I was bored babysitting and I said I was just enjoying my time with him. He bought portable phone set for our new Magic Jack telephone system.
    Then we went to a little town about 50 km from us and had lunch. When we got home he set up the new phones and came to tell me how much he enjoyed working with the phone says he like the electronics part of setting it up.
    He has been very quiet and sort of peaceful this last few day and has come to realize that he is losing lots of his former abilities and is just going with the flow now and not fighting it so much. He is finding things he can do that are enjoyable and fun. He is going to try a model airplane. I'm going to bring a table upstairs and start a puzzle on it and hope he will pick up the pieces and start working on it as well.
    I am enjoying this special time with him but I know it won't last and that there are difficult time ahead, but for now it's good. Nightmares are gone, nasty DH seems to have backed off for now, so great. For now!!
    Jazzy, so happy to hear things are good! It's amazing how the changes occur. Same with my DH. Some days he can do so much - others, nothing at all. But I'm grateful for the good ones!
    • CommentAuthorbqd*
    • CommentTimeMay 19th 2013
    Jazzy, I am also glad to hear that things are good for now. Here's hoping that they last for more than just a day or two!
    Jazzy, cherish the good days.
    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeMay 21st 2013
    Yes indeed as this morning the other DH that lives with me, the mean one, returned this morning. Thank goodness he is gone to Day care for the next three days. He's usually very tired after so evening are not so bad, so far. Oh the ups and downs we live with. I can't even sing anymore.
    • CommentAuthorAnn*
    • CommentTimeMay 21st 2013
    Jazzy,I can't sing or cry.I can't do much else either.With DH my hands are tied.
    Jazzy: I am so glad for you and thank you for telling us. You have a good attitude about dealing with this.

    Wishing you Well.
    • CommentTimeMay 21st 2013
    Yes cherish the good days, the good moments. I hope they will give you strength to face the harder days ((hugs))