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    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeMay 17th 2013
    Hi all
    Well they said I should have some help with my stress level so they put me on citalopram .05 for two week then up to .10 from then on. Well what a ride!! I ended up with anxiety attacks so I would just walk and walk then really agitated and ready to tear heads off anyone that came within 10 ft. Of me. I took them for three days and said this is not going to continue. I didn't take one this morning and I am fine today. I am now told that this happens to some people and it does the reverse to what they want. Let me tell you, I was some frightened cookie. My DH was at daycare so I only had him after 15:00 to bedtime but he kept s asking "what is the matter? Are you O.K? You don't look good!!" I finally told him I was having an allergic problem with my new pills and he said" get rid of them. You look terrible" wasn't that just the cutest comment? Well at least he still notices how I look!! LOL!! He was concerned as well. Sweet of him.
    My doctor first put me on Lexapro and I took on 10 mg tab the first day and felt "fuzzy" don't know how to describe it. Then the second day I took the tab in the morning again and by 4 in the afternoon I had a resounding headache. Called the doctor was told what to do for the headache and then take half dose on the third day in the afternoon. But by that time, I was a zombie and when a friend came in she said to call the doctor and if I didn't she was going to call 911. I stopped taking Lexapro. I was then put on low dose Valium..only took 1 mg a day and it helped. But when my husband's neurologist heard what had been going on with me, God love him, he said make an appt with him, he could help me with my anxiety etc. So I did and he explained why the valium was NOT a good idea on a daily basis, that as my DH's condition changed and my stress levels increased, I would need more Valium. He wanted me on Sertraline ( Zoloft generic) and I argued with him about this big time...He finally told me that if I did not get my anxiety under control and soon, I was going to get very sick very soon and recovery would be long and hard. So I agreed to try the Sertraline..he stair stepped it up for me and the side effects were minimial. No wt gain, and a much calmer me. I recently had an anxiety attack and he increased my dose and so far no side effects at all.
    So if your doctor wants you to try another, don't be afraid to try another. They are different in some way and if one doesn't work another may well do the trick and you will find you can cope with these ever changing and stressful situations and your anger and frustration levels will decrease and life will be better, you will be more clear headed to make decisions too.
    Good luck.
    I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 2000 and put on elavil for pain. It didn't work and tried a couple more antidepressents which didn't help. Finally tried Wellbutrin. It helped the best and when the stress got worse, they doubled the dosage. I still take a small dose daily which keeps me sane!
    About 3 years ago my doctor put me on Citalopram and I didn't sleep for 3 days. When I called her about it she said STOP. She then put me on Mirtazapine generic for Remeron. 15 mg for a few weeks then up to 30 mg. I don't feel any ill effects, it just keeps me on an even keel. OK so I blow my top sometimes but mostly I can just deal with whatever comes along. Like the bed soaked this morning so we washed 2 blankets, 2 sheets, 2 waterproof pads, and matress pad. Lucky me, It was the day one of my caretakers was here so I only did 1 load and she did the rest.
    • CommentAuthormothert
    • CommentTimeMay 18th 2013
    I've had a difficult time with depression this year and finally asked my doc for a RX and she prescribed Wellbutrin. But, before I got the RX filled, my depression lifted and I never filled it - I hate the idea of taking pills and I hate (even more) the idea of gaining weight from them - the weight thing is probably what prevents me from filling the RX the most (vanity). I will probably resort to them eventually as I can't seem to shake the darkness for long, anymore. And, I get very crabby and tired when I'm depressed. Not a good combination when caring for my dh as he requires so much attention (you can all relate) and he deserves better than a crabby wife.
    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeMay 18th 2013
    I was really hateful and wired on the RX. I lost weight in three days. Just couldn't sit still for a moment and tried to walk whatever off. I guess these pills are just not the ones for my system. I'll see my Dr. Next week and talk to her about it.
    Yes, please do talk to your doctor. If SSRIs don't work out for you there should be something else but beware of daily dose of benzos. Have you a threapist? I added that to my list of self help and it has been good, I am learning some relaxation techniques and other avenues of de-stressing, from breathing to weeding the yard....getting close to nature etc.