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    • CommentAuthorMim
    • CommentTimeMay 6th 2013
    My hubs & I went for a drive through a beautiful natural park we have in our area - he wanted to drive, so I decided to see what would happen. It's a road with lots of curves, some steep drop offs, etc. I must say, my heart was in my mouth much of the time! I could tell he was pretty unsure of himself ( would NEVER admit that, even before AD ). I asked him once to pull over, so I could take over, & of course there was an unpleasant reaction (big surprise!)
    Anyway, within this park, there is an absolutely gorgeous public garden - I silently breathed a sigh of relief when we got there! We walked around the paths, very peaceful, when he spotted a Marine & his new bride having wedding pictures taken. Well, hubs, being a former Marine, felt he wanted to "say something" to a fellow service member. I told him "you can't do that, this is his wedding day, they're having wedding pictures taken". He said he had to do it, he would wait. I just kind of wandered away, found a bench to sit on - Dan really WAS waiting for them. I turned to look & groaned - he had them cornered!! I just put my hands over my face & waited...I have no idea what he said to them (don't want to!) & the poor couple seemed to be very accommodating & shook his hand, smiling.
    I was embarrassed, but in a way, I guess it was rather sweet.
    By the way, I drove home! He never said a word about it :)
    How sweet that he felt the need to talk. My DH can no longer carry on a conversation. He mostly talks nonsense. And if we are out he talks to everyone. Just like they are a long lost friend. Thank goodness most people just smile and go along with it.

    Glad you drove home!
    • CommentAuthorJazzy
    • CommentTimeMay 7th 2013
    Look up " aphasia" and maybe that can explain the gibberish