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    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeApr 29th 2013
    I met with the geriatric care manager I hired 5 years ago when we were in total chaos. she is also responsible for reviewing his care plan for the Home Health Care agency we have the aide through, so she was here today to evaluate dh, review and modify if appropriate the care plan.

    I mentioned to her the incidents of grabbing strangers butts while shopping and possible reemergence of his hypersexuality. She said she has a client in a facility whose sexual urges were constant and uncontrollable, so much so that the facility management and aides were isolating him because of the behavior. Long story short, she spoke with a director of nursing at another facility and he recommended lamictal. Well within 2-3 days (I believe the dosage is 25 mgs but I'm not sure) the patient's behavior is under control with few or little side effects.

    I wanted to share this info because the spouses who have to deal with this issue know how difficult it can be and to my knowledge none of us has been given a recommendation other than anti-psychotics, anti-depressants. I have not yet researched it on the internet, but the GCM is a registered nurse and someone who has been dealing with dementia patients a long time. Bottom line, I trust her and thought I would share this info so anyone can ask their doctors.
    • CommentAuthorlulliebird
    • CommentTimeApr 29th 2013
    LFL, Thank you so very much!!! This is good news for sure. I will do some research on this point as diffcult as spouse has been to control the side effects defintely out weigh the risks...(VD, breaking the law, financial ruin ect). This would sure make our lives a wee less stressful when having them out in public. I really appreciate you sharing this me!!! Take care, Lulliebird
    • CommentAuthorxox
    • CommentTimeApr 30th 2013
    The main side effect of Lamictal is feeling itchy. You build up dosage of Lamictal slowly, there are kits that include dosage for the first month. If at any point the person feels itchy, you drop down to the previous level, and then try increasing again in a week or two, often with success. This was L's experience, she had to drop dosage once but was then able to build up to the full dosage. L takes Lamictal for depression; officially Lamictal is for bipolar but many bipolar meds work for depression according to L's psych.

    I'm surprised that 25 mgs/day made a difference, L is on 100 mgs/day.
    • CommentAuthorJanet
    • CommentTimeApr 30th 2013
    Thank you so much, LFL. We have an appointment with DH's doctor today, and I will be sure to ask about Lamictal.
    • CommentAuthorxox
    • CommentTimeApr 30th 2013
    We also got a start kit for Lamictal from her psych which took care of the drug for the first month. Our insurance covers the complete costs so it is a "less" expensive drug.
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeApr 30th 2013
    Thanks paul for the information and real life experience. I did read it is used for bipolar disease and that the main side effect is a rash. It apparently is also used as an anti-seizure drug and since hb is on neurontin (also anti seizure drug) to control his aggitation and aggression I wonder if they would have to reduce the neurontin and add the lamictal or how that would work. He has an appt next month so I'll ask then since his behaviors have subsided for now.

    Thanks for the input.
    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeMay 20th 2013
    ttt for Janet
    I was receiving Lupron deposit injection for treatment of Prostate Cancer several yrs ago
    the med depressed testosterone production.
    Look at the side effects.
    Luprone Depot side effects. The most common side effects of Lupron Depot are hot flashes, loss of sex drive, erectile dysfunction and weight gain, but they're usually reversible after treatment ends. Hormone therapy can also raise your risk for metabolic syndrome, a group of five conditions -- high blood glucose; high blood pressure;