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    I am too mad after reading this to even comment on it. This is not science; this is sensational pseudoscience journalism at it stupidest. Gretchen Reynolds (who wrote this) needs to have her pencil broken. Should we start a line?

    Ask Well: Are there exercises to ward off dementia?
    • CommentTimeApr 25th 2013
    I have seen this many times.

    Here is the slight of hand: Notice that nobody specifically used the word 'Alzheimer's'. They used the general word 'dementia' and 'brain' fitness.
    Of course there is a very different pathology between the plaques and tangles and multiple strokes type of dementia.

    The studies confuse (seemingly intentionally) vascular brain effects with dementia effects and then make believe it is all Alzheimer's Dementia.

    I chalk it up to the fact that these pop health authors are in denial. AD is so fearful and the ending is so certain that they cant face it and they cant say it.
    They want to always be able to offer hope even when there is none.
    I haven't read this article and really don't care to. What I know, by experience and by knowledge gained here, is that once a person has a Dementia it's a one way road. Everyhing I've seen and read would indicate that early imprvements in lifestylle--well before there is any sign of a potential problem, accompanied by a good family history, can possibly lostpne the onset if the person is to get it.
    I equate the authors putting out these reports and treatment plans with the snake oil hhawkers of years past.
    Ha! My new neighbor just told me very emphatically (I should look it up on the web!) that drinking distilled water will cure Jim's AD. Oh, dear, these people! Makes it easier to sort people out quickly though.
    • CommentAuthorabby* 6/12
    • CommentTimeApr 25th 2013
    This reminded me of an aol "highlight" earlier this week- 5 things that may signify early dementia.

    #1 Trouble eating hard foods

    #2 Walking slowly

    (I stopped there)

    I admit that my fear of dementia has been intensified by what my husband went through. Otherwise, at my age, to be honest I don't think I would have thought about it that much.

    Certainly I have trouble, or would have trouble eating hard foods. For cosmetics, most of my teeth are crowned and/or veneered. Hard foods, especially ice crushing are forbidden.

    I walk slowly too. One of my knees is a constant source of trouble, pain, etc because to Mother there was no such thing as too much ballet.

    So, according to that piece I am at a higher risk for dementia.

    Just my rant but I think it is terrible to exploit any type of dementia this way.
    • CommentAuthorxox
    • CommentTimeApr 26th 2013
    Bunny's Lamb.

    This is wonderful. Distilled water will cure AD. Please go to your neighbor immediately and ask for the medical journals and copies of the double-blind studies that show this is the case.

    Or try to be on good terms with the neighbor and don't discuss the matter.

    Seriously, here are some pages I found. All in the snake oil section of your local grocery: The problem is that our brains don't have enough water. The author wants everyone to know that he has a Ph.D. Don't know in what.

    Again, drink enough water

    If de-hydration was the problem my wife would have been cured long ago.

    My web search came across some other sites that I found much scarier in terms of what they are advocating. Its the poop of microbes that is the cause of Alz.
    I keep wanting to go read those articles, and then I feel anger rising and can't.

    When I went on a short trip to Maui a while back, I bought some herbal formula from a woman that were supposed to help heal my lungs. As soon as she heard about my dh condition, she went on and on and on how she had some drops that would totally bring him back to normal. My girlfriend that was with me was aghast and could not believe it. Of course I did not buy the drops. And I did not bother to tell her that I give him vitamins, fish oil, glucosamine, massages etc etc. She would not even hear it anyway.

    I am open to trying the things, but I still get mad when people just pop up with OH HAVE YOU TRIED THE COCONUT OIL!! Yes I say, and, we have eaten FRESH husked coconut for 25 years as that is my business. They look confused as to WHY he could be sick than.

    P-tooey. Snakes and snakesses.
    • CommentAuthorxox
    • CommentTimeApr 26th 2013
    And then they talk about the evils of Big Pharma and the medical community only wants you to buy expensive drugs that poison your system. They are hiding the truth.

    Big Pharma is bad. But you know who is worse? The vitamin industry (much of which is owned by big pharma) and alternative medicine.
    Paul c.,

    I put people like my neighbor into the same category as those who tell me that everything happens for a reason. So all must be just fine then. Mumbo jumbo. Again, it helps me know very quickly what kind of person I'm talking to.
    I am terribly concerned about the microbe poop, though. Do you think these microbes can be micro-litterbox trained? Perhaps we should consult with our reigning Poop Queen?
    • CommentTimeApr 26th 2013
    Coco, I never thought about it.
    Yeah, you & Dado must have consumed more coconut 'oil' than just about anybody. . . .

    My comeback for this nonsense is to remind people that there is an automatic Nobel Prize waiting for the first person to come up with a cure for this. I then suggest that they submit their research and be recognized. Stops them every time. . . .
    • CommentAuthorring
    • CommentTimeApr 29th 2013
    On a good day I understand that all these people are well meaning and just trying to help. On a bad day I just want to smack them!