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    We have had a lot of very hard days here in this family and our Dear Joan has had more than her fair share too. So, we need to lift our spirits...

    Guess what holiday is coming up in a little more than a month? Yeah that's right!!Memorial Day. Now that is a day when we remember our war dead..there are ceremonies etc to celebrate the day many gave all for our freedoms. And it is also a day when families get together to have a PICNIC!!

    Now I realize that as the unofficial Party Planner, I have fallen a bit short last year but I am back in the saddle thanks to Zoloft woot woot!

    So, first order of business is we need to select a location for our get together...and then of course the menu. I have some good our area of central CA our strawberries are already better than ever and we are going to have a long season!

    So everyone, let's jump in and plan our picnic and we gotta get Pharanque* to do the invitation with his own special old timers know what that is but the newbees will enjoy finding out! ; ) come on Phranque*

    What do you all say? Shall we get something rolling? Oh and our menu can be as varied as we like...

    Waitin' to hear your ideas!!!!

    I will bring killer brownies to start with, but we need hot dogs, burgers beans salads etc..... : )
    I will bring fried chicken. Lots o fried chicken.... (Can't really make it well. But in my mind it turns out good. So pretend it's good. LOL)

    Thanks Mimi,we need a day to enjoy.
    Kentucky Derby Pie; Southern potato salad to go with blue's fried chicken; sweet tea - and WINE!
    Macroni salad, unsweeten tea with lemon
    Arnold Palmer (half lemonade and half ice tea)
    • CommentAuthoryhouniey
    • CommentTimeApr 19th 2013
    Baked ziti,goes good with wine
    Pub burgers with bacon and cheese and 3 bean salad. And MORE wine!
    • CommentTimeApr 19th 2013
    As always, I will bring my killer margaritas! Plus I make a great Chinese Chicken Salad.
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeApr 19th 2013
    I'll bring doritos and super big gulp. I'll pass a hundred of them on my way. And my elvis outfit. And my tuba. The kermit and miss piggy handpuppets. My lifesize cardboard cutout of Joe Biden. The giraffe costume. Scuba gear. My copy of 50 shades of grey with the pages cut out and a mickey inside. Yup I'm all packed. Where is this? And what can I trade you for some of that Zoloft woot woot!

    Ok, I'm kidding. I'll bring nanaimo bars and butter tarts and all the fixings for B52's (the cocktail not the musical group).
    Can I come to the party?
    I can bring BullFrog cocktails. ( You drink three and you croak)
    If Wolf brings his tuba, I'll bring my trombone and we can have a
    marching band.

    I am learning this hula, called "Ka loke" (the rose) Maybe we can all give it a try after the wine, the margaritas, the big gulp, the Zoloft, and Bullfrog cocktails!
    Looks like you all have all the food and drinks covered...Some Irish Bailey's Cream perhaps! I'll just come and have fun
    And B n B....gotta have that....
    If we go to the beach at Cyucos here in CA we can search for sea glass...
    If he head to Hawaii we can get hula lessons...
    Bullfrog cocktails? Never heard of we need a blender?
    We could make this a costume picnic..thanks for the idea Wolfie..
    We need a special recliner deck chair for Joan...and a cool drink with one of those colorful umbrellas to top it off.
    We could mix this in with a virtual cruise and then add the beach party???? blink blink♬
    • CommentAuthorAnn*
    • CommentTimeApr 20th 2013
    I love to bake I'll bringf cakes,pies and cookies.
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeApr 20th 2013
    Ann, where do you live????
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeApr 20th 2013
    ooh, GeorgieBoy I will take 3 of those Bullfrogs please. :) sounds like a good way to dull the senses for a break!
    I would like to bring good ole texas BBQ ribs and sauce. the big kind, none of those little spare ribs:)
    and some cold Mexican coronas with lime.
    and a limbo stick, I know some of these folks will be very good at doing the limbo there while coco does the hula:)
    • CommentTimeApr 20th 2013
    We gotta have deviled eggs. I'll bring them
    Yea for Carolyn I loved deviled eggs and hate to make them. I'll bring blueberry cobbler with whipped cream.
    Just caught a huge gator, so I will bring GatorBites, coconut milk, and tons of lovebugs.
    Oh Phranque...we knew we could count on you for the specialty of the day for the gathering..
    Are you going to start one of your games with the words..we had so much fun the last know the one that started with something like phrightening, pfhogey, phingers etc : )
    • CommentAuthorandy*
    • CommentTimeApr 21st 2013
    Don't see that anyone is bringing watermelon.....what's a picnic without it? And if that new Hula dance doesn't go well, we can have a seed spittin contest!!!
    why not bring the gatorade instead much better to drink lol

    I have not done any seed spitting since the last bag of black sweet cherries I had last summer.
    • CommentTimeApr 21st 2013 edited
    I don't feel like cooking or baking something so I will be making hats and party favors for everyone. Of course, they will be red, white and blue. These will be in honor of all the vets and especially my dh who passed last Aug. 28, 2012 from expose to Agent Orange while he was in Nam and AD.
    Well the sun is out here and our berries are big....huge really. WE are going to need lots of whipped cream for them.
    WE still need to select our beach. Anyone got suggestions? Maybe we need to vote on it...
    I am thinking of getting some jazzy red white and blue napkins and table cloths and cups...So many things to do to get our caravan in motion.
    We only have a few more days to choose our beach so we can get our virtual tickets to get there..It has been pretty breezy here on the central coast but warmed up today..We can look for sea glass for some fun.
    Getting my brownies ready....
    • CommentAuthordog
    • CommentTimeMay 1st 2013
    Should I bring a space heater, just in case?
    Yes,,,but how does it work? Do we need firewood?
    • CommentAuthordog
    • CommentTimeMay 3rd 2013
    Maybe we can rig it up to a generator. I'll bring some mittens and mufflers as well. It snowed here today. You just never know about the weather!
    Mim, what is in your brownies...I may have some Marinol I could send you...hahahaha!
    I will make calico beans - that is Bush's original beans, red beans, lima beans, chopped onions, bacon bits and we can have our own band for entertainment. Toot! Toot!
    I just use chocolate and nuts but I frost them with Cream Cheese Frosting.....yummmy.

    We need lemonade....who wants to make it? Real lemons only...
    Yeah ok I will make the lemonade, there is a big tree over the fence that is just loaded. Add a little mint and ginger and maple syrup. It will go really good with the marinol brownies.
    I am not going to drug my brownies...LOL
    Oh, fine...I will do the Marinol brownies. After all, this a virtual picnic. We can have whatever we want!
    • CommentAuthorFiona68
    • CommentTimeMay 4th 2013
    Well, hey. If there are Marinol Brownies, I'm in! I'm bringing wine!
    Fiona, you and I can sit in a corner and share my Marinol brownies and your wine. Anyone who would like to sit in the corner with us may join us.
    It's Cinco de Mayo day...bring on the enchiladas, tacos, and of course let's party with margarita lightly salted. Oh please please don't forget a Corona with a lime in the bottle. May everyone have a happy May 5th.
    Hay,, the winds here are gale force winds today...and down south is the Camirillo fires and north of us are fires but so far on the central Coast we are ok...but no cook outs today..
    But memorial day is a couple weeks out so...all us SSRI users will have to for go the wine...and don't spike the lemonade.....

    I wonder if Phranque would be willing to bring the Phranque Phurters? I can bring buns and relishes along with my brownies.

    And about those toad cocktails, do we have to catch those toads?
    Phanquephurters it is!!! Do marinol brownies give you the munchies???? We may need more food......
    • CommentTimeMay 6th 2013
    Lynn has gained (and maintained) 32 pounds on Marinol, so yes! It does increase your appetite. I have tried Marinol, only because I wanted to know how it would effect Lynn. I didn't feel high, didn't feel any happy effect at all. It is a very tiny dose given. Soooooooooo, I am thinking I will be in the corner with the funny smoke smell :D

    In honor of Lynn I will bring his favorite dessert, strawberry shortcake ♥
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeMay 6th 2013
    "Do marinol brownies give you the munchies????"

    I heard that. I didn't see it, I only heard. Maybe when we Meet The Phranks we can ask them. I hope they don't want to drive the Phaeton phor phun. You know what? Maybe I'll bring some litmus paper too and we can all phind out. I'm still hoping mimi brings some of that zoloft woot woot which sounds like somebody at the drug company may have loosened their wig with some of that there funny smell marinol and not the teenie tiny dose kind that doesn't confuse a spliff with a splint or that a joint is at the elbow not between the phingers. Maybe somebody should have clued in when he was laughing so hard at everything and started licking the table because it looked like chocolate. Hey, you never know. At least Obama pointed out you're probably supposed to inhale. Not like McClinton there who's McDonald apparently could look around corners and play the HarmMonica or was that play the Sexaphone? I'm not that musical.
    • CommentTimeMay 6th 2013
    Sounds like you started the party without us Wolf :D
    Party !!
    OK,, been busy in this guests so been off the party projects..Am so glad Phranqueie is going to bring the should be phun to dress them up with all the usual phurter goop...katsup, relish etc.. Oh my doc upped my Zoloft Woot Woot so it should be more powerful and keep us all phine and phull of pep.
    We need to plan on the plastic knives and plates and forks etc....for all the liquid we plan to down. And we must not phorget to bring that lounge for Joan..she is not to life a phinger.

    Can anyone think of anything we phorgot?
    • CommentAuthorFiona68
    • CommentTimeMay 20th 2013
    maybe blankets and pillows cause it sounds like so much fun, I'm not going to want to leave.
    And sun lotion! don't forget the sun screen...we don't want to get burned and we want to avoid skin cancer...

    I will bring some strawberries too...we are having the strawberry festival here this weekend so the berries will " the berries".big huge and juicy...we need short cake and more whippy cream too...
    Fiona, we need a designated caregiver to throw the blankets over us and tuck the pheathery pillows under our heads.
    Yes..we do need those phathery pillows and pluffy blankies when we get all poopered out. The Strawberry Festival was a big deal today....and nice weather too.
    I wonder if we can get Phranque to bring the phathery pillows?
    WEll it was quite a picnic at the beach..all the goodies were delish and thanks to one and all who one got sunburned, maybe a little windburn... no problem with ants thank goodness! no bees either. Everything was so good there are NO left overs either! Phranque outdid himself especially with the pheathery pillows that we needed...and his phinger phood too...

    Next up...The 4th of July!
    It was phabulous to see all our phrends from aphar!
    Yes it was, especially you, Coco since we are all wondering where you were...glad that you made it to the picnic...