I am so happy to have joined a site that I can express my concerns about my husband with alzheimers. Hopefully it will be a good experience. My husband has had this horrible disease for 2 years. In these 2 years it has been so upsetting. I am trying to accept the situation a little better now. It is still many tears from me.
Welcom OMA....Hope we can all help you make this journey a little bit easier. Feel free to ask any question that you want and I am here to tell you there will be someone that has had the same experience and will be more then willing to help you through that experience. How old are you and your husband....I know that may be a private question, but the reason I am asking is there seems to be some differences when the spouse that has AD are younger then 65? Also, was your husband dx by your family doctor or a different type of doctor?
Others will be along later and they will welcome you too.
Oma, Welcome to my website. I usually write a detailed welcome to all new members, but this week I am away on a much needed respite from the overwhelmingly exhausting job of Alzheimer spousal caregiving. Please check all of the resources on this wesite's home page www.thealzheimerspouse.com. Be sure to browse through the previous blog section on the top left corner of that home page - lots of topics to which you will relate. Joang
It takes a long time and many tears. I don't think the process ever resolves, per se, but we do acquire coping tools as we go, and the support is a BIG plus.
Welcome Oma, If you have to deal with this disease this is a good place to be...someone will understand. I remember spending many times on my knees next to my bed crying into the covers ...not so much now. I have tried to focus on what I can still do, not what I have lost. It is a daily experience usually i stay on track.
Oma, welcome to the of Highs n Lows in Dementiaville... It is sad, really that you have had to join us here..but you will find much support from the veterans here. There is much to learn and if it weren't for this site, and the hand holding and support we get here, none of us would make it.. So never fear that what you may say might be judged..we don't do that..we just listen and share what works when we can...