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    Sometimes despite my best efforts not to antagonize stuff happens...DH and I were driving toward town and passed a Road Work Ahead sign. He says "It costs us taxpayers a whole lot of money for those crews to work on the weekend". Without thinking I said Its Monday, not a weekend day. Then he says, "Well I can't keep up with what day it is. I have to look in the mirror every day to see who I am." I said well if Brad Pitt shows up please call me. He says "he might, but I thought you liked Tommy Lee Jones. Oh by the way, we are out of milk." So he has no clue what any given day may be or who he is on that day, but remembers milk...ok then...Lord thank you for giving me a laugh!
    • CommentAuthorxox
    • CommentTimeOct 22nd 2012
    At least he knows who Brad Pitt and Tommy Lee Jones are. My wife is much more with it but I am amazed about the stuff she knows better than others. And if she would stop asking me what I ate for breakfast.