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    Ron fell and broke his hand Thursday pm. Spent 6 to 10 in ER and then 2 to 5 on Friday. Won't leave the splint alone . I have had to rewrap the ACE bandage that holds it all together 7 or 8 times a day. He keeps pulling it off because it hurt. Of course the more he messes with it the more it hurts. I an at the end of my tether. Will give him the last of the Tylenol with codine that they sent home with him Thursday night. Hope it puts him out for the night
    Like you needed more to deal with! Hope you have a peaceful night.
    • CommentTimeOct 7th 2012
    Gosh MaryinPA, sounds like you need some duct tape. :) Honestly though, you must be exhausted after all that time in ER etc. Now this? Hope he sleeps tonight, and you can take advantage of it. Take care of you.
    MaryinPA call dr and ask if they would put a cast on instead, at least would stay on unless he gets it too wet. Sorry that you have just an added thing to deal with. I put a medical alert bracelet on my husband once and he worked on it until he broke it. They just don't understand or remember.
    Well, He had the splint off a couple times in the night, I was re wrappimg it again at 3 am. I managed to get him an appointment to see the orthopedic Dr this afternoon. Dr said the proper protocol would be surgery to pin it and then a cast it for 4 weeks. The other choice is to let it heal a little out of position and risk having arthritis in a few years. Needless to say we opted for choice # 2. now he has a little removable wrist brace. What a relief. Even the seroquel was not working for more than 4 to 6 hours.
    Ron had not fallen since his episode last October. He hadn't been walking alone since then. When he was at the NH in June they called and said they found him sitting on the floor but didn't appear hurt. I have noticed he cannot turn and line up his bottom to sit in a chair or on the toilet. This last few weeks he has been walking better and driving me crazy walking all over the house when he was in a wheelchair for the previous 3 months. I'm glad he is more mobile but he keeps falling because he misses whatever he is trying to sit on. Eight or ten times in the last few weeks. Even his caretaker had to call me to come home a month ago. Today he was outside and fell off the patio into the bushes. Has a bruise on his cheek bone and scrapes.

    The problem isn't the falls its the getting him up again. I was crippled with back problems 10 years ago and I am terrified that I will hurt myself trying to get him up. Tonight I am hurting but don't think its anything that a muscle relaxant and Aleve won't help. I just don't know how long I can do this.
    Oh, MaryinPA, please don't try to get him up without someone to at least help you. DH has fallen so many times, and if I'm nearby, I just jump out of the way. I know I can't catch him, and I sure don't want to injure myself. I have called neighbors several time to help get him up. So far, haven't had to call 911. If we are hurt and injured - then what? I feel your pain.
    • CommentAuthorlulliebird
    • CommentTimeAug 20th 2013 edited

    Such good advice for all caretakers
    DH had a hard fall on his back Sunday. He was between the wall and bed. I ran into the bedroom and before I knew it I had him up on the bed. I have no idea how I did it. It made me think of the people who lift a car off of someone. Not sure if I could do it again. Called the Hospice nurse and we have a walker for DH now. I think that it would help me steady DH to get him up on his feet if he should fall again. The fact that I now outweigh DH by 30# is coming in handy. LOL