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    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeOct 3rd 2012
    Hey Bama, here's a way of getting out and about from your new digs.

    This is about a Vancouver couple who climbed Mt Kilimanjaro to raise money for Alzheimer's. The effort raised a total of $300,000. The thing is they were 84 and 85. Go Tide! Or in this case maybe go a little nuts.

    How are you anyways?
    Bama-if you go I'll go with you. We are fearless!
      CommentAuthorBama* 2/12
    • CommentTimeOct 3rd 2012
    Bluedaze, it did say they were experience hikers. How long to you think it would take us to get in shape? Wolf, I think I would rather walk on the beach. I am getting settled in and making some new friends. A funny thing happened the other day. We have a neighbor who is very hard of hearing and she does most of her visiting on her speaker phone. My neighbor next door can hear her conversations and she shared one of her comments with me. It seems we have a new person (me) who thinks she is sexy and she wears the sexy clothes ( cleavage) and somebody ought to tell her she's OLD. Hello!!!!! I'm still smiling and I made a point of visiting her and being nice.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeOct 4th 2012
    hey miss bama! how funny is that! you go girl. keep that sexy image going. i bet you look fab !
    and get those nice walks on the beach. you deserve it.
    Bama--I'm not surprised to hear that the neighbor thinks you've "still got it going". Never change!!!
    Bama, you made me laugh. Isn't it funny what one considers sexy and another does not. I live in Texas and everyone wears jeans. We dress them up with a silk blouse and a blazer, or dress them down with a sweatshirt. I have a friend on the East Coast who is in her late 60's and she has never owned a pair of jeans. Thinks they are just 'horrible/tacky'!!! I love "Not Your Daughter's Jeans"... everyone has their favorite brand. I wonder where that neighbor is from??? Dare you to put on a 'Roll Tide" tee shirt and tie it in a knot right below your boobs with a pair of jeans.. and hang around in the yard .... Your neighbor might just call the fashion police to come take you away!!!

    Still grinning.. Nancy B*
    • CommentTimeOct 5th 2012
    laughed so hard I acutally snorted! Thanks for the chuckles :D

    How sweet that you went to visit the old bat <smiles>
    • CommentAuthorscs
    • CommentTimeOct 5th 2012
    Loved it! You sexy thing.....
    • CommentTimeOct 5th 2012
    Bet you look great in them too. I wear jeans all the time and love them. If people don't like what I wear....
    don't look at me. My mother use to always say...don't worry about what others say about you...just rememver it means you are not forgotten. At my age...that is enough.
    • CommentAuthormothert
    • CommentTimeOct 5th 2012
    I think that one of the wonderful things about being over 50, well, okay I'll be 60 next month (but shhhh don't tell). Anyway, I find aging so freeing as to just that _ I can wear whatever I damn well please (not that anybody will every see me in a bikini again in this life) and tell young sexy people how cute they are and make them blush, whatever; I've earned it for being as old as I am. We're allowed to be a bit outrageous, we've earned it! However, not sure I'd allow the same standards for elderly gentlemen - women yes, men, no. Sexist!!!
      CommentAuthorBama* 2/12
    • CommentTimeOct 6th 2012
    Sometimes I look at what I am wearing and think at 84 I really should dress my age and then I say wear what makes you happy. Nice think about aging is that you can do that. Then again my daughter tells me that I am really good at playing the "ole ladies card" when I need to. The other day I had a computer problem and had a nice young man stay on the phone walking me through the process for 45 minutes. He was laughing and joking and I may have an other computer problem soon because it was enjoyable.
    Absolutely, Bama, wear what makes you happy - and comfortable! Hope you do have another computer 'problem'!
    Bama, my daughter says I have "that card" down pat when necessary :-)
    • CommentAuthormothert
    • CommentTimeOct 6th 2012
    My kind of woman - you go girl!
    Nancy--love your fashion suggestion for Bama!
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeJun 18th 2013

    How are you doing?
      CommentAuthorol don*
    • CommentTimeJun 18th 2013
    Hey Bama watcha gonna wear Nov 9th on the way to Dreamland before the game???