Been to the doctors to see what on earth is causing the sensory sensations I have had in the last two weeks. Been ready to see a neurologist! That plus the ocular migraines I have had that is a new experience. My PCP recommended lexapro. I filled the RX but it makes me edgy to take it . I hate drugs that carry wt as a side effect cuz it was a disastrous effect from that #%^*HRT that made my life living hell and has left me with the wt gain I still fight.
Well, lexipro worked very well for me. Helped fight the negitive thoughts and cleared my head. Started with half dose for DW and I. then full 10mg me,5 mg DW. Previously going 24/7 just burnt me out.
As it is an anti depressant which has help both of us. Downside it has made me more tired. Cut from 10 to 5mg for me. You need full 3-4 weeks to evaluate how it works.
Welcome john. Sorry you need to be here but you will find this a great site with lots of helpful information and kind and caring people. Let us know more about you and your dw. My husband has FTD, was dx'd in 2008 and is probably in mid-late stage 6.
Mimi,, hang in there. Most of these drugs make one feel either nauseous, jittery, crampy, or sleepy the first few days. John666 is right, all of these drugs for depression or nerves take at least 3-4 weeks to kick in. It's hard to get to that point, but I'm sure you will benefit in the long run.
Mimi,go to a neurologist NOW.SEveral years ago when I started with the weird migraines I hesitated to go also but when I did go the neurologist he was really helpful,said I had a rare migraine plus optic migraine, prescribed Inderal LA,it has really helped.
Thanks everyone. My doctor said I had some unusual side effects especially the sensation of " being outside of myself" and the bad headache. I tend to be sensitive to meds. She pulled me off rather than cut the dose to 5 mg and instead put me on Valium 2mg tabs once or twice a day as needed. I have not had to use it since day before yesterday and feel much more normal more opthalmic migraines...I have had a good check up and aside from needing some Vit D, which is common here on the central coast, everything checks out really good. I did have my eyes well checked out by an eye surgeon and all is well with the eyes. If things stay calm, that will be fine but my doc may want a neurologist opinion too...for my peace of mind more than hers.
By the way, I only had to take 1mg of Valium once a day for4 days before things calmed down and no more sensory issues and other miseries...
My husband's youngest brother died last Tuesday evening, cause cardiac arrest. He had had heart surgery earlier this year and never really recovered...he was 59.
Mimi, sorry to hear about your brother-in-law. Did you tell your DH? We have had some friends pass away the past year or so, but I didn't even tell my DH because I don't think he would have understood.
Oh yes, he knows...and he is constantly wanting to know when the memorial is and how much will we need to contribute. I cannot tell you how many times I have been telling him all week and today as well that we should know something tomorrow...
I didn't have the thundering pain of a headache, just the visual zigzags and my eye doctor said he has them too and they tend to be a genetic his case on his mother's side. My eyes are good...I still feel a wee bit dizzish at times and wonder if it could be the 5000IU of Vit D my doc has me on. I have not taken the Valium for a few days and do not seem to have the tingles now but I don't like the sensation of the dizzy feeling kind of like when you get new stronger lenses and things sway a is unnerving. I have an EKG this week and so far all the medicals have resulted in good news...but for the Vit D. I am tired and my doctor is convinced that my issue is stress..thing is I can't drive under Valium even though I only take 1 mg a day as needed up to 2 mg..I seem to be sensitive to drugs.. And I ma still avoiding things that are known triggers for migraines..maybe it is chocolate withdrawls!!! I am thinking seriously of starting the search for assisted living or NH for DH down the road..and finding some kind of help to get him places to take the load off. Some neighbors have been helpful these past couple of weeks but they have issues too so I can't really rely on them but for a now and then help out... Why does this have to be so damn hard?