Hello to all you strong wonderful people. Read my last post from a month ago. I was in a bad place. Hi CoCo! I saw a very helpful therapyst and have over the last year. She usually sees me when I'm really really down. I was a mess. The twin sister and husband had just been here. They pop in once a year. It's like a circus. They lavish phony love and buy everything possible, never ask how I am or how my wife is doing. It just flattens me everytime. When they leave, my wife, late stage 6 goes into a bad state and I pay the price. In any case I pulled out of my dive and always will. It's been seven years of this totally alone with two hours a week off. My DW is very sweet all the time, thanks me for everything and is happy and talking to herself and laughing. I've seen and read in this forum about the opposite side of the equation; mean, angry, demanding. I'm lucky in this unlucky world of ours. I told the therapyst. I've come to the point where I want to get to the "other side" of all this. I'm younger than my wife and want to have a life after this. The only thing I do for myself is exercise regularly at a low cost gym. She reads the paper or magazine and just waits for me. The physical workout helps to drain the frustation and tire me physically rather than the mental tiredness. So to those of you who remember me and inquired what became of me, I'm doing fine at this time. Changes are coming more often and I plan to go all the way with this at our temporary home. I just feel for all of you and wish to all the strength to get throught this. There are many diseases, all horrible, this is just a prolonged one. Thank you for caring.
Jim, nice to hear from you. I am glad to hear your wife is staying pleasant. Sorry family is so lame, but it seems the majority of us have that problem. Continue to see the therapist and take care of yourself. Keep checking in to let us know how you are doing.
We are into year 5 since diagnosis and it seems like it will go on forever - he is progressing so slowly. Maybe cause he was diagnosed so early on it will be longer.
I have no idea how my husband will be, but pray it is pleasant. I know if he got violent, angry, combative, etc, I think he would have to be place cause it would send off too many triggers from childhood.
Chime in anyone. I find that I come and go here. I find that it is the way of my life since entering this long drawn out effort. I tell people I meet who would like to visit more that I may not be able to follow through with a follow up visit or that we may or may not attend an invite. I don't always explain that it is me that is the problem. My dear wife would go anywhere. Not-so-much for me. One day things are fine the next I feel negative and put upon. So I never know what to expect from myself? Dw is truly a saint and she gets my full compassion that it is not her fault. This is all just part of this, Charlotte or others. Rambling here as it feels good. I'd guess I'd say this has been a life changing event for me. I'll never view the terms family or friends the same. My take away from this experience is that my world view is so much more compassionate than it once was and I try to give those few that are/were close to us a tiny hall pass for I've learned you don't truly know until you've been there. So after 7-10 years of this I'll be a better person who wants a second life. Charlotte/others: It does seem like forever. I don't want it to end for her but I'd like it to for a selfish part of me. That's my ying and yang about this. Finally, these later stages have made my dear wife more obviously ill. She smiles and talks to herself and bubbles with incomprehensible utterances. She has never known that she has the disease if you all can belive it. Charlotte, I hope because I can't say I pray, that your husband doesn't become combative. We're that the case I do not know what in the h_ _ _ I'd do? We can afford to live our un-normal life but I could not place her. It would be rough so more than anything I wish to you and all of you out there that this tragic jouney not be any more difficult than it already is.