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    • CommentTimeSep 7th 2012
    We miss you. Hope everything is OK with you and dh. Let us hear from you.
    aww JudithKB* here I am. Thanks so much for caring. Just so dang busy trying to work and taking care of him. I am going to go now and add to some threads. You are such a pal.
    • CommentTimeMay 26th 2013
    It's been awhile since we have heard from you dear Coco. Just letting you know we are here for you ((hugs))
    • CommentAuthorbqd*
    • CommentTimeMay 27th 2013
    Nikki, I was thinking the same thing yesterday.
    Coco, I hope all is well - we are thinking of you.
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeMay 27th 2013
    hi coco, hoping all is well with you and dear Dado!
    • CommentAuthorabby* 6/12
    • CommentTimeMay 27th 2013
    Hey, Coco,

    Please add me to the list above. I remember reading that you were going to Canada and maybe meeting up with Mary in Vancouver, but I didn't think it was this early in summer that you were going. (Actually, I thought July).
    awww you lovely guys. Yes I am fine. In fact JudithKB*, where are you??? I have not seen any recent posts.
    Abby* my trip to Vancouver is July 5th to the 19th. Last time I was up there our Mary had a nasty cold , but we are going to get together this time!

    Nikki Dado is now sitting on his snazzy new pillow, I notice he does seem more comfortable. I am not sure if I have it inflated right, am getting to know it . The caregivers are kind of rolling their eyes and cannot believe I spent so much, but if a pillow was a thousand dollars or more, and it helped him, the cost does not matter. I can see it is going to be really great especially as he moves along.

    bqd and divvi hugs to you too.

    I am doing quite well. I was having some unpleasant side effects with the citalopram, and went off it a week ago. That thing REALLY helped me for the 3 months I took it, but as I am better now I had to go off it. I am not withdrawing and feeling healthy. Refusing to return to work, so I just am doing wonderful home and yard improvements.

    Dado is moving along in his new world. I try not to figure out how his brain is working, there is no way to understand. He can still stand up and take maybe two steps. I sing him "You are my sunshine" and he loves that, and take him his favorite dried mango. I am so so blessed that he is so close, and so well cared for. And he seems to really know that he needs to be there, he does not fuss anymore when I leave. The $420 a month "room and board" I do have to continue to pay on top of his Medicaid assistance, but with the increase in his Social Security due to getting Disability now, makes it close to manageable. I thought there was NO WAY I could swing it, but I am.

    Sometimes I feel like I have become unemotional, after more than two years of crying myself to sleep every night. But, it is only because he is not here, AND, I believe my heart is taking a smooth break and getting ready for what is to come. Yesterday I saw such a beautiful photo of him in his well days, the tears came, and then I knew I was not hard hearted.

    The cardinals are eating the catfood on the deck and crapping everywhere...grrrr....who knew I could resent a pretty bird....the dragon fruit is ripening, ylang ylang flowering, and the orchids almost disgustingly prolific.

    I promise not to be gone so long next time. Man I love you guys.
    • CommentTimeMay 27th 2013
    We love you too ♥ So glad to have word from you Coco. I am also glad to hear the pillow is helping Dado. I had to laugh at the caregivers rolling their eyes, they just don't understand the want and need to do just anything possible to bring our loved ones comfort, happiness and peace. And the peace of mind it brings you, well that's priceless.

    Awwww, I tear up at the music shows every time You Are My Sunshine plays. I am glad Dado loves it when you sing it to him ♥

    Try not to over analyze how you are feeling right now dear Coco. I too went through a period of time that I can only express as complete numbness. I think our psyche needs this break and maybe to protect ourselves this is what happens. It goes away, the raw emotions come back, but we are better able to handle them.

    I am glad to hear you are involved with yard work and home improvements. Just being out in the sunshine, feeling life surrounding us, has healing effects. As for your lovely cardinals, perhaps you could give them their own dish of cat food, away from the porch so they wont leave you so many "gifts" :D

    I often go AWOL, so I do understand the need for breaks from time to time. We need time alone sometimes, and we need time away from the drama and heartache, we can all understand that. ((hugs))
    I'm here.....keeping up reading all the post. I have been very busy moving. My house sold to the first person who walked through the door.
    I love my new place and so many nice peole. I have a great front porch and people stop by and chat. This is was good move for me. I am still unpacking...but, I can never forget all the friends here and the new people that all need help. Thanks Coco for asking where I was...I also was wondering where you were and if you were OK...sounds like you are fine and that is good news.
    Great news Judith!! I am so very happy for you!
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeMay 28th 2013

    That's excellent. As Coco said, we're all happy for you.