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    Pity Party going on in Munday,West Virginia
    I have been trying really hard to stay positive and be thankful that Paul is doing better-but today I just want to----
    Be happy,have something to look forward to (other than another day in this darn AD world) talk to MY HUSABAND and have him really understand and respond.Watch a tv show that I WANT to watch without having to explain every other word to him.Take a trip and not think about every restroom along the way and if we can get there in time-go out to eat and actually finish a meal without some kind of incident.Just lay down and take a nap !Or go to bed without baby monitors blurring on my night stand!!
    OK I know I should not be complaining---Paul is doing better than he was-things could be (and have been)so much worse
    BUT I am just tired ,tired,tired and needed to complain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    • CommentAuthorWolf
    • CommentTimeAug 18th 2012
    We're mad as h&ll and we're not going to take it anymore!!!!!!!!!!!

    Go ahead and complain bak. You've earned the right that's for sure.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeAug 18th 2012 edited
    I'll join the party. I also try to be positive, but I echo every word you said. It's Saturday night. Do you know where your spouse is? Mine is buried deep inside the brain of the guy who is sitting in my den looking confused.

    P.S. - The editing was just for spelling.

    Well, I forgot to give him the Ativan at 1 p.m. today. So, it's been play 100 questions over the past hour or so. Now calling for his mother and dad. Said he didn't like to go to bed to sleep (?); where is my mother? Why does that dog sleep on this bed? On and on. I'm trying to wait another hour before giving him the Ativan - so hopefully, he will calm down and sleep all night. By the way, anyone can join this party.
    Darn sure wish we were all closer -this is one of those evening we could sure use EACH other to just keep the LIDS on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    • CommentAuthorxox
    • CommentTimeAug 18th 2012
    Me, me. Tough week, tough day. Long drive tomorrow, how many times will we have to stop for bathrooms? Hard to say, it has varied.

    Time to go to bed. Not tired, but L is in bed waiting for me. Once I am in bed she will get up a few times to go to the bathroom and other things.
    paulc------hugs to you--- I sure understand!
    Oh how I miss talking to someone who understands. It is like living with a 2 yr. old all the time with no respite.

    Took dh to McDonalds and it took him 1 1/2 hr. to get ready.....for McDonalds?

    Hard for me to vent and really join a pity party because I was always taught that someone out there has it much tougher than you. Be thankful. Hard for me to be thankful. I know things will only get worse and for that I am NOT thankful.
    Shirley-I was taught that way too---but even though I know it is true --I feel like this hole we live in just gets deeper-sort of like living in a spinning black hole with no end in sight!
    • CommentAuthorms. magic
    • CommentTimeAug 18th 2012
    Please, please ... don't let people diminish your true emotions!!!
    You have every right to feel the way you do.

    There will always be less fortunate people, people who have it way tougher.
    That should in no way affect your reality.
    • CommentAuthorElaineH
    • CommentTimeAug 18th 2012
    Betty, I know how you feel. Even though Tom is more docile now he is also declining & more confused. I try to be patient, but........well I'm preaching to the choir!
    paulc, I understand how frustrating it is going to bed when you don't want to. A year or so ago my DH would NOT go to bed unless I went too. That was so aggravating to me, but I went because I didn't want a fight. Now after he gets his meds (Seroquel being one of them) he usually dozes in front of the TV & after an hour or so he will go lay down in bed & I tell him I will be right there. He falls asleep & I actually have a little time to myself.
    • CommentAuthordeb42657
    • CommentTimeAug 18th 2012
    I want to join the part too. Yesterday was my 16th wedding anniversary and we need absolutely NOTHING. I had reminded him all week that it was the 17th but...nothing. I am angry, should I be anbry?...What am I angry about?...I want my life is never going to be back, it is just going to be different...I HATE IT!!! But I digress, Betty, this is your party and you have a right to vent just like everyone else! Whether it does any another story!
    Made it through another night -only to remember that today is another day-just like the yesterday-stuck in AD limbo. But one thing you learn by coming here when you are down is ----I am not alone in this h----,others do have it worse,and the sad part--IT is not going aay anytime soon--.Thanks for all the support at my party last night. Love you ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!
    • CommentTimeAug 19th 2012
    And then when they're gone, you'll wish they were back. :-)
    bak, Sorry it has to be so bad. Can you do something just for you? Some flowers, fancy coffee, new pillow for the couch, etc. Some times we just need to do something just for us. Even just sitting outside and watching the butterflies and birds with a cup of coffee or glass of tea.

    Yes others have it harder than us, but we have it hard too. So many friends have said they could not do what I do. So to them we are the ones worse off. And we need a pity party every once in awhile.

    I'll join the party. I look around this big yard and see a fence that is falling down with every windstorm that blows through. This was the pride of dh - his flower beds and yard were not just mowed - but manicured. Now I must pay big bucks for a guy to come and just mow it looks nice but all else is terrible. I find it almost impossible to get someone to come and just give an estimate on fixing anything. I know there is nothing I can do to change what is but it is hard to accept. bak - I totally understand how you feel - I guess everyone who is at Joan's place does. No hope only more of the same and worse to come. Everyday is worse than the one before. I must be living in the "Twilight Zone" - anyone remember that oldie?
    hugs to you to Betty Yes I love how Ms. Magic reminds us just because others have it worse than us, does not negate the true pain we are feeling. It is probably one of the hardest things with some people I deal with, having to put up with the "Well it could be worse"
    • CommentAuthorBev*
    • CommentTimeAug 20th 2012
    I'm joining the pity party today. Everytime the thought of what lies ahead comes into my mind, I push it away. There is another serious problem with someone close to me and the thought of both of them dying at the same time came into my head and I'm afraid I couldn't push the thoughts away this time. I had a good cry. The first time in many months that has happened. I don't like to do it, so I'll push the thoughts away when they come again.