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    • CommentAuthormothert
    • CommentTimeAug 10th 2012
    I need to get my rotator cuff repaired. I tried everything, to no avail, still too painful to live with. Dh is still pretty self-sufficient (for the most part - I wouldn't want to put him in charge of anything too important), so I think now is the time to get this done. However, as I contemplate what this surgery and recovery will mean, I am a bit fearful. Dh does not drive nor will I allow it, no matter what. So, the driving does pose a fairly major problem, which I'm sure the good Lord will settle before I go under the laser (I think it will be a laser). And, a few other things like "how will I put on my bra? I don't like to run around bra-less?" - food, I know I will most likely lose a few pounds because I will be trying to lift a fork with the wrong hand and see if I can hit the mark without losing it all over table and clothing, etc. - just getting the food into the m/w will be challenging as our m/w is at shoulder level. Anyway, Joan and all of you who have weathered this challenge, I would love to hear all your advice. I know I will one day be looking at all this in the rear view mirror and probably laughing my behind off. Thanks, good friends, for always being here.
    Mothert: I had the repair done via mini arthroscopic procedure. Just an FYI, I was in a sling for more than a month, I cheated the last two weeks. Rehab PT 3xwk for nearly 6 mos. Driving was totally manageable, it helped it was L shoulder. The biggest problem was closing the car door. I rigged a pull cord to close it. reaching across with R arm was too painful.
    It was worth it all.
    Good luck!!

    This site gives you an accurate picture
    Prayers and all going up for you mothert, get it done and over with. You may not have to "laugh" your behind off if you cannot lift a fork!
    • CommentTimeAug 10th 2012 edited
    Wishing you lots of luck and a speedy recover. You might want to try to use a spoon to eat for the first week or two or you might stab yourself in the face with a fork.....Only joking. Good Luck.
    • CommentAuthormothert
    • CommentTimeAug 10th 2012
    Judith - I'm laughing my A$$ off - stabbing myself in the face with a fork - I never actually thought of that but I probably would do just that. A spoon it is! Thanks for the tip! I knew you all would have good idea.

    Marty: Did you have somebody with you for a few days to help you through the first few days? I know I'll have to have somebody take me and return me and dh cannot drive. My gf wants me to stay with her for the first 3 days but I'm trying to figure out how to get dh to accept that without feeling that he's not doing his job of taking care of me. He's at a stage where he doesn't think he needs anybody to take care of him (yes he does) and that he should be able to take care of me. He was totally po'd at my friend when I had her go to the doc with me because she remembers everything a doc says (I can't do that). Anyway, I really want to work that out, I just need to find the right path.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeAug 10th 2012 edited

    I was in a sling for 6 weeks before my doctor allowed therapy or driving. I had to have help in the house with showering, dressing, laundry, etc. Then I was in therapy for 6 months. I had a great surgeon and a very experienced therapist, so I recovered well, but you are going to need help. You can't do it on your own.

    BTW - it was my right shoulder, and I am right handed. Big challenge.

    • CommentAuthormothert
    • CommentTimeAug 11th 2012
    My dominant arm, as well. Really not looking forward to this - just not sure how to organize it. I hate not knowing what to expect.
    • CommentAuthormothert
    • CommentTimeAug 11th 2012
    Hey, Joan, did your health insurance pay for the aides who came to help you? I remember a friend a couple years ago who had a knee replacement and she had home care in 2/week, I think her insurance paid for that. I will ask our gal to come in for me and figure out how to pay her later. I can write it off income taxes, if nothing else.
    our daughters helped out in the beginning forbthe first 2 weeks. Then I depended on friends for the "heavy lifting".
    My MD didn't really approve of driving, I just have selective hearing. I had broken the shoulder and learned a lot of "tricks" dressing and managing daily chores pre-op while healing prior to the surgery + this was not my dominant arm
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeAug 12th 2012
    Either get use to bra-less or find a soft sports type bra that you can wear during the day and sleep in. They do have them with hooks so you would just need someone to help you change change it every few days. Me - I would love going bra-less!