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    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeAug 1st 2012
    I am looking for a non bulky stair chair (the type that you ride on to get up the stairs). Does anyone have experience with one that will fit in a narrow staircase and is not bulky?
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeAug 1st 2012

    I searched, and I don't think this topic has ever been discussed. I don't know anyone who has experience with the stair chairs. Hopefully, someone will see this who can help you.

    • CommentTimeAug 1st 2012
    I had to have a contractor take care of it because our staircase is long and curved. He sublet to a company who supplies chair lifts. I have since had it repaired twice (it's about 8 years old) and used a company here in Vancouver called Motion Specialists. I got their name from the physio at my Care Facility. They supplied special chairs to this facility , and I was impressed with their products and service.
    I checked into this some time ago, but did not proceed. Of course, medicare does NOT pay for this, even with a doctor's prescription that it is a necessity. They cost up to $15,000, depending on your staircase. Seems like someone on here did have one, but can't remember who it was.
    Briegull* had one, I think.
    • CommentAuthorAdmin
    • CommentTimeAug 1st 2012
 - I found this - lot cheaper than $15,000, but it probably doesn't include installation.

    • CommentAuthorLFL
    • CommentTimeAug 1st 2012
    Thanks to all of you...I'm still looking. I thought Medicare would pay if it was a medical necessity and there was a drs. prescription. $15,000 is waaay too much.
    LFL, they all don't cost $15,000 - but it can be UP to that amount. It is not covered by medicare. Not sure about VA.
    • CommentAuthorAliceL
    • CommentTimeAug 1st 2012
    Coincidentally, I am having a lift installed right now (as I write this) - a basic Bruno model for a straight set of stairs. The equipment and installation where I'm located for this is about $3900, including the inspection permit cost. I noted some other models in researching our situation that were specifically described as designed for narrow staircases (ours is not specifically -- it fits well on our 36"-width stairs).
    • CommentTimeAug 1st 2012
    Mine is a Bruno and the total cost was less than $3,900.00, but that was 8 years ago.
    • CommentAuthorAliceL
    • CommentTimeAug 1st 2012
    I should also have noted with our installation that I had a folding rail included, which added noticeably to the cost - and freight to our location was probably more than some typical installations.
    • CommentAuthorrachelle
    • CommentTimeAug 1st 2012
    I haverecently looked into prices for stair chair lifts. For straight set of stairs, in our area, the cost (including installation) would be between $3500 to $4,000. However, if there's a need to have one custom made (as in our house due to landing partway down with remaining stairs going in a different direction), the quote was $14,000 to $15,000. Our extended health plan might cover 70% of it------with a dr's prescription and seeking permission from plan ahead of ordering chair lift. Due to cost (and entry way steep step and quite a sloped driveway, I am starting to check what is affordable and available for one level accommodation. Don't relish the thought of a move but getting into something that is one level would be more practical and safer for the long term for us.