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    • CommentAuthormidwestmn
    • CommentTimeJul 27th 2012
    LO can't tell me what is wrong with him, but he told our son that he felt like he would die fairly soon. He's starting to eat less and less and become almost apathetic. Our closest son is 180 miles away . He comes the most often and does anything and everything for us when he is here.. I talked to this son about the prospect of the nursing home for his Dad in the future. We agreed to leave status quo for now. LO is not incontinent yet. I don't know what good taking him to the doctor again will do . His home doctor is retiring in a year and I hate to think of LO having to go through a whole new retinue of medicines. On the other hand a new and younger doctor might have more recent updates . LO is I think in stage 2. It's tough for all of you and all of us.
    • CommentAuthormidwestmn
    • CommentTimeJul 27th 2012
    Pardon me, I wrote stage 2 and I meant to write stage 6.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeJul 27th 2012
    As for doctor - I would be talking to his current one about a new one. Maybe your current PC could bring the new one up to speed. If the two could see your husband at the same time, it may help and eliminate all that crap when going to a new doctor.

    This seems to be the season for many loosing ground. I wonder if it is because we have a group now that was diagnosed around the same time. It seems many that have been loosing ground were diagnosed in the 2008 +- a year.

    I notice my husband having a real problem finding words to describe things. He is trying to tell me and I try to fill in for him. I guess that comes from 41 years together. I have noticed other 'little' things too.