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    I have a granddaughter living in Colorado Springs, Colorado. I am sure you have all heard about the fire disaster reaching city limits.

    Would you all be so kind as to say a pray for rain?

    Poor dh doesn't realize what is going on and so many losing their homes.

    Thank you so much.
    • CommentAuthorabby* 6/12
    • CommentTimeJun 29th 2012
    Dear shirley,

    Of course I will pray for you and your family. I am familar enough with Colorado Springs to consider moving there while final matters concerning husband are reconciled.

    I never thought the fires would spread that much east from Durango.

    What a miracle rain would be!
    • CommentAuthorElaineH
    • CommentTimeJun 30th 2012
    shirley, praying for you granddaughter & all others in that area.
    Yes, Shirley, I will pray for the blessing of rain and for your precious family there. The fires are so horrific.
    I have a cousin who lives there as well. Have heard nothing yet.
    • CommentAuthordog
    • CommentTimeJun 30th 2012
    My Mom is now in a memory wing in a facility in Colorado Springs. The first thing I thought was how would they evacuate them all? But I am hearing from other relatives in the area it may be a bit better and contained at this point.