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    • CommentTimeJun 16th 2012
    I share co-committeeship (guardianship) with my husband’s chartered accountant. As an accountant, he is excellent. But when it comes to responding to the duties of committeeship, he procrastinates. Even though my husband has been dead now for 16 months, the paper work that only the accountant can do still hasn’t been completed for the Executors. This paper work should have been started in 2008 when we were declared co-committees, but the accountant didn't start it until after my husband died, and I started asking that it be done. E-mails aren’t answered. Phone calls are ignored. It’s similar to hounding a teenager to pick up his dirty laundry. It’s meant that I’m strapped financially and have to cash in my securities waiting for this to be settled. Other than lay a complaint with the Chartered Accountants Association – and there is no wrongdoing on his part as far as money goes – I’ve pretty well exhausted my tactics. I’ve been nice. I've been not so nice. I've told him I need the money. I’ve been persistent. Then he makes a move until it's time for the next move, and it's the same old story. It’s like it’s a power struggle going on here, and he has the power to let me dangle. Any suggestions?
    I would certainly file a complaint with the Association. He is causing you to have to cash in your securities and possibly losing money by him being negligent and non-responsive.
    • CommentTimeJun 16th 2012
    I think I might begin to wonder why he is so slow...maybe...just maybe there is someting he doesn't want you
    to find out.
      CommentAuthorol don*
    • CommentTimeJun 16th 2012
    Me thinks you need a barrister to put some pressure on accountant,over three years is unacceptable,good luck 75
    • CommentAuthorZibby*
    • CommentTimeJun 16th 2012
    Absolutely wrong! A barrister might move things along; hope nothing "shady" is uncovered.
    • CommentTimeJun 16th 2012
    Thanks for all your insights. They have helped clarify my thinking. I'm afraid you're right. He's already been paid for his work, and this will come to light when the paper work is completed. Of course, he could always declare that fact now, so that's not really an excuse. It would be more work for him and certainly wouldn't look good that he hadn't bothered to mention it before. I can't afford to hire a barrister - the will still isn't settled - but I may have access to the Public Guardian Trustee's lawyer. We, as co-committees, were appointed by the Supreme Court of the province, accountable to the Public Guardian Trustee.
    Thanks, everyone, for your help. I feel less frustrated now.
    Time to seek the advice of a good lawyer..There is something really fishy going on here...where there is money there can be some real bad funny maybe being robbed by this guy. Your retirement and security should not be put in danger by anyone much less someone like this.If you have a BBB you might seek them out for assistance too....
    • CommentTimeJun 16th 2012
    Well if you can't afford a barrister then why not just send him a letter stating all the times you have requested this info and how you now are having to use your securities and let him know with a date certain if he
    does not have the work done you will seek legal advise. In the US usually an attorney will give you
    advice regarding a matter like this for a very low fee or at least explain what your options are.
    • CommentTimeJun 16th 2012
    Okay, good advice again. Mimi, what is a BBB? Judith, I do know a lawyer who will advise me and not charge, and she's smart, too. Hate to bother her, but I will.
    • CommentTimeJun 16th 2012
    Oh, Better Business Bureau.
    • CommentAuthorcarosi*
    • CommentTimeJun 16th 2012 edited
    JudithKB's letter idea is good. Include mention of the hardship the procrastination is causing, that he's already been paid, and then post it to all parties, including the Public Guardian Trustee.

    Alternatively, you could make an appointment with him. Arrive with your sleeping bag, pillow, and suitcase. Inform him that since he is creating hardship by his procastination and has already been paid, you figure he can help you out. Take over his client waiting area. Push chairs together. Make a nice little nest. Pul out a book and some snacks. Set out your travel alarm clock. Pull out a book and some snacks. Are you laughing yet?

    Sometimes these big problems demand some levity to get through them. I couldn't resist.
    • CommentAuthorElaineH
    • CommentTimeJun 17th 2012
    Oh carosi, I LOVE IT! Nothing like a sit in ….or as you suggest, a sleep in, to get things rolling! Very creative!
    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeJun 17th 2012
    by all means call his office say when is a good time to come by to WAIT on this paperwork. unacceptable timeline to getting this done. all professionals have a fiducial duty of good faith towards their clients and getting info to clients in a timely manner. any negative feedback on his professional abilities would be detremental to his career i would think he would not want that to happen, paid or not. offer to pay him for his time in getting this done. even if its a small down payment now and the rest after things are settled. its the only way to get this done and no stalling. and yes tell him you are prepared to wait on the papers you need everyday if necessary. hope you get this finally settled mary75! too long waiting in the wings friend.
    • CommentTimeJun 17th 2012
    Thank you all very much. You are the best support group anyone could hope to have. Hugs to all.
    Wow, Mary75, will it ever end? You sure have had a long, hard road with all the complications. Wishing you the best with this newest wrinkle...
    • CommentAuthorscs
    • CommentTimeJun 18th 2012
    Love the sit/sleep in idea! Being the lady I know you are you probably should call first! lol
    • CommentAuthorZibby*
    • CommentTimeJun 18th 2012
    LOL!! Picturing a woman of a certain age appearing at the office wearing hat & heels, large purse and nightie over her arm pulling a cooler w/book and magazines secured on top. Where to put the sleeping bag & pillow? Change of clothes? Maybe not and no wipes or deoderent. Yes, and I like the picture of pulling chairs together to make a nest, Carosi.

    My experience: if they've been paid, folks are slow to respond.
    BBB Better Business Bureau.
    After some more thinking, I would DEMAND a full accounting of everything, all his hours, etc whatever this system is ( I don't think we have such a set up here in the US but I could be wrong...maybe it is some sort of trust thing) but I think you have been taken for a royal ride here and I suspect foul deeds done..

    " TRUST BUT VERIFY" !!!!! famous Reagan words.
    Mary75. The time for waiting, being nice, and patience has now expired. You have the right to get a resolution to this, and the best way is to be direct....Hey, you have had xx months (years), to complete this, you have been paid (dearly I am sure), and I am still waiting for the product to arrive. I am giving you until june 30 to have EVERYTHING finalized, or you will face phranque's double barrel shotgun, his pit bull poodle, his Glock 26,27,33, and Sig Sauer 40 caliber, accompanited by his sleeping bag, his stupid jokes, and he will help you finish. I will make plans to be in his office on July 2, and he will enjoy the 4th of July spectacular fireworks. He will be probably be able to complete it in 10 minutes...
    I hate this kind of service, and have learned how to "persuade" someone into restructuring priorities. I have found that these type of things take less than an hour to complete....I also want to procrastinate, but will wait until tomorrow to start....
    • CommentTimeJun 18th 2012
    Update: Deadline given to co-committee, and he came through, not happily or well, but it’s done. Some typos and corrections had to be made, but I have now delivered the paperwork to Executor’s office. She is on vacation until July 10, but at least it’s got that far. I’ve found the name and address of the co-committee’s manager, and when next I have some problems – I think that’s a given – I’ll write directly to him. If the co-committee has double-billed, that will become apparent, and the stepkids will pick up on it. Then let them slug it out together while I monitor from the sidelines. Machiavellian, I guess. Thanks everyone!!!
      CommentAuthorol don*
    • CommentTimeJun 18th 2012
    Good for you 75,see the sqeeking wheel does get the to speaK
    ol don* you are too polite. At that point I would have wanted blood rather than grease.
    • CommentAuthorCharlotte
    • CommentTimeJun 20th 2012
    so happy to hear that has been done Mary75. That has been stress you do not need.
    • CommentTimeJun 20th 2012
    Thanks so much, everyone. A little more moping up needed to be done today, and now I'm leaving town. I'd told the fellow it had to be done by such-and such-a-day because I was going on vacation and wouldn't be back for some time. Now I'm making good on that claim. I'll check in when I get back. While I'm gone, I plan to forget the whole mess and enjoy myself. If the weather improves, I may even get in swimming in the salt chuck.
  8. settle for blood...I want 5 lbs of flesh///
    Take a dip in English Bay for me! Good for you on all your success!
    • CommentTimeJun 20th 2012
    Coco, it's Franklin Beach at Gibsons on the Sunshine Coast, home of the old TV series, "The Beachcombers." I grew up there. Will be going to a BBQ at an old friend's home on Saturday. Then to church on Sunday and sit in the same pew my mother sat in. Showers are expected, but that won't dampen my enthusiasm for the break.
    Remember Reggie Romero on that show? He is the Father of a very dear friend of mine. He died in the early 80's, I was lucky to meet him he was a great man.

    My sister that passed away last July 16th, (Dianna), had a home in Sechelt. He husband Frank still has it. It is overlooking a cliff , great ocean view and sunsets, and bear poo in the yard.