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    Yesterday, one of the nurses at the ALF came over to me and asked if Steve speaks French. It seems that he recently had a day where he sounded like he was and was kissing the ladies' hands. None of the employees speak French, but she said he sounded fluent. This gave me a good laugh--Steve always had a silly streak and even after dx, when in a particularly good mood, he would imitate French, Yiddish, or Chinese (interesting combo, huh)? Now that he's late stage 6, his conversations are mostly gibberish mixed with a smattering of English. Somehow, he retains the ability to tell jokes in gibberish (I can tell from the timing) or do this language thing. Strange, he always had a "math brain" -- was a CPA. Foreign languages were never his forte and when we traveled outside the U. S., our standard plan was that I did the talking. I would never have guessed that he could retain this "talent" so far into the disease.
    That's funny. You just never know what neurons will fire.
    Perhaps, ee is watcheeng too meny Pink Panther movies wit Inspector Clousteau...Chaque torchon a sa guenille....

    • CommentAuthordivvi*
    • CommentTimeJun 13th 2012
    a former life??? ha! this disease can bring out many strange rarities!