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    • CommentAuthorAnn*
    • CommentTimeJun 2nd 2012
    We just moved into a smaller place all on one floor.Our house was a two story.WE both and problems with the steps. It was DH's idea but he
    cried trhis morning and said he wanted to go home.I hope time will help.Any advice?
    • CommentAuthorandy*
    • CommentTimeJun 2nd 2012
    Ann, I understand, we also moved recently and had remodeling work done. I just keep talking about all the positive things about our new situation and how much easier and pleasant it is for me. Eventually, he will adjust, although they always want to go home, just not sure where home is anymore.
    Depends on how far along he is, and whether fiblets are appropriate. Saying it's temporary and inventing a reason could buy enough time until it becomes familiar for him.
    • CommentAuthorJudyTBT
    • CommentTimeJun 4th 2012
    We are considering making such a move - same problem, steps. I'm interested in how your DH reacts as time goes on. Some evenings he doesn't even know this is home, but then he will look around at furniture, pictures, etc., and say "Yes, this is home." I'm wondering if it's the same furniture and doodads if he will even realize it's not "home".
    There are two possible reasons he wants to go "home" - if he has progressed to "childhood", the home he is referring to is his childhood home, not the home you just left. This happens without moving them from one home to another. Some will even think you are their mother at this stage, and ask for their wife (picture of you when you married)! It used to really hurt some of the women when this happened. You just have to say "later" or "tomorrow" or "this is our new home" - if that doesn't upset him.

    The other reason is because he is scared - unfamiliar with everything. His visual perception is off or non-existent, and he is having problems "remembering" where is chair is, where the bedroom is, where the bathroom is, etc. Some people put signs on the doorways to help. Others hold hands and lead them when they think it is "time" to go or go to bed. It is an adjustment for both of you, but one-story is much safer!